Saturday, September 22, 2007

How will they know?

The kitchen is clean, the dishes are in the dishwasher and the sink is shiny. About the only thing I didn't get to today is some laundry in the dryer. I could try to get to it now, but I'm tired and think I'll go to bed instead. I want to be rested for tomorrows get together.

I didn't do as well as I would have liked drinking water today. It's hard for me to drink much when I'm not feeling good. Should be the other way around though - when I'm not feeling well I should be drinking more water. I also don't feel like I ate as well as I could have today. I had a bowl of cereal for a snack (not a good idea) and a Skinny Cow ice cream bar for an evening snack. I could have made some better choices. It'll probably show up on the scale tomorrow. Anyway, I'm trying to get a bottle of water in me before I go to bed. I've had half the bottle so far.

I want to take a picture of myself at my current weight so I can have a 'before' 'during' and 'after' pics. I can see some of the fat leaving my body already but I'd like to keep a pictorial history so I can really see the difference.

David just brought up a good point. How will I know who the other Flybabies are? Well, I'll probably see if the FlyLady clingie will stick to a shirt. If that doesn't work, I'll wear my FlyLady lanyard. I'm going to wait outside for people to show up. Once there's enough of us, we'll go in and start ordering. Hopefully we'll be able to attract the attention of other Flybabies who get there late. Maybe I'll bring the clingie and put it on the table so other Flybabies can find us easier. It'll all work out.

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