Friday, September 21, 2007


I looked up the definition of ratatouille. It's a vegatable type stew. I missed out on the veggie part because the eggplant was bad and I chose not to add peppers. So I guess mine is a zucchini wanna be ratatouille. Next time I'll figure out some other veggies I can add. It does smell very good though. David is still napping so we won't be eating for a while yet. I cooked some whole wheat pasta to put the ratatouille over. I'll have to make up for the lack of veggies in the main meal with a salad tonight.

I forgot to get TP yesterday when I was shopping so I'll have to go out tomorrow to get some. I didn't feel well enough today to go out to the store.

When I talked to Grace this week she was telling me about the amazing changes that Marla and Leanne are making in her life and her teaching. I sent her the Teacher's Control Journal and the Student's Control Journal. She said they were very helpful to her. She also said that she really liked the idea of the Menu Mailer and will be checking that out. I was wonderfully surprised to hear the changes she has made in her life that is taking away stress. She's doing an evening routine and now has had time in the morning for breakfast and getting ready without having to rush. She's using a timer in her class and it really helps keep her and the kids focused. I told her that she really needs to get that testimony off to Marla and Leanne. I hope she can find time to do it because they would love to hear what a positive change there has been in her life. (Have I written about this before on this blog? It sounds familiar. Sorry if you've had to read about it twice, but it's worth reading because her attitude is so encouraging.)

I'm really enjoying being a part of the Flybaby forum and the ColoradoSpringsFlybaby group. It's nice to be able to share my daily experiences with other Flybabies. I've had a lot of support from them online and they've had many great suggestions when I have an issue. And just think, I'll get to actually meet other Flybabies on Sunday. I hope we all get on well. There's a chat on the BTR show on Thursdays but I'm not sure how to get involved in that yet. I hope to have it figured out by next Thursday. Marla said that Jeff is trying to work things out so he can help them with the BTR show. I miss him and the musical interludes. I can't wait for them to come back. I'm going to have a more planned call next week. I'm going to keep an eye on things this week and discuss issues that have come up for me. If I'm going to be an example and be accountable, I need to keep track of what's going on inside (emotional body clutter) and out (body clutter).

The ladies discussed interval training on the show yesterday. I guess that would mean walking faster for 20-30 seconds every few minutes for me. I'm going to do some online research on interval training and it's application for walking. I certainly wouldn't mind losing weight faster and feeling better. The trainer that Marla is using is a guy in Boulder, CO. She's going to be meeting with him soon and I think will work something out to help us Flybabies. He has an online program and a DVD/online program. I'd love to have a personal trainer, someone to keep me motivated, who cared about my progress almost as much as I do. It will be cool to see what they come up with.

Off to do some research...

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