Saturday, September 22, 2007

The day continues on

Shower is done. I'm dressed to the lace up shoes. I've started a load of laundry and emptied and reloaded the dishwasher. I had my smoothie for breakfast. I gave David a small glass of it. He said it was good. I'm still not feeling well so I'm going to take it easy again today. I'll put in 15 minutes here and there to get stuff done. There's no zone work today since it's Saturday and I've already cleaned the bathrooms this week anyway.

Today is family fun day. David is going to paint the monster bedroom for fun today. lol He hasn't been painting at all the past two weeks. So today he's going to put in some time doing it. I could hang up my artwork and make the bed up. I could also help him put the lights on the wall. I also need to put the vacuum and shop vac away. Guess I could vacuum before I put them away though. lol

I'm using the Body Clutter Investigator and it's helping me to keep away from the extra snacks and it helps reminds me to drink my water. I'm glad that Marla and Leanne encouraged me to download and use it. It's nice to know that my number is going down steadily. I can feel it in my clothes. They are getting looser on me. I'm not sure if I can get jean shorts and jeans taken in, but I'll have to check into it.

David wanted to go out and get some fertilizer and a fertilizer spreader. I told him that we just can't afford to do that right now. He'll only use the spreader once or so and it's not worth spending the money on a new one. I'm going to check on craigslist and see if there's one on there for a LOT less.

I've got to get out there and clean the back yard today. It really needs to be cleaned up. I meant to do it Thursday, but I ended up being 'too busy' with the FlyShow and grocery shopping. That means that it has to be done today.

Time for a break from the laptop.

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