Thursday, September 20, 2007

Grocery shopping

I just got back from doing the grocery shopping. It took me about 1 1/2 hours and I spent about $125.00. I used the Body Clutter Menu Mailer shopping list. It makes it so much easier to go shopping knowing exactly what I need. It does take me a while but that's because I have to go fairly slow to make it to the end. Now I'm so tired that I can't even think of making dinner. So I'll probably give David leftover turkey/rice/broccolli and a salad. I think I'm going to have some cereal. I haven't had any in about a week. That's a LONG time for me. lol

I'm thinking that I need to do the shopping earlier in the day though, so that I'm not so beat by the time dinner comes around. I just wasn't sure if I could go grocery shopping today (finances) but it turned out that I could because I got a check in the mail from my sister. Woohoo! Anyway, I saved 12% on my grocery bill today. I think that the food will last for a week and a half to two weeks instead of just one week. I don't see myself making a big dinner every night. Sometimes I'm just not up to it and need to do something easy, like salad.

It does feel good to have healthy food in the house. Even if I need a snack, I have healthy one's to choose from. This week I'm going to make the soup too. I haven't done that yet. Taking babysteps. That's the best way to do it. I'd be overwhelmed if I made myself do it ALL right now.

I also need to remember to put on my 'good' sneakers when I go shopping. I wore my sneaker flats and they don't provide near enough support. My left foot especially is hurting me now.

I did forget to get one thing: TOILET PAPER! Nothing says I love you like enough toilet paper (that's what FlyLady says lol). I'll pick that up tomorrow.

There are a few things that I haven't had before that are on the menu this coming week (such as eggplant - I chickened out on having it a couple of weeks ago ~sigh~). I didn't think I'd like the smoothies, but I love those, so maybe there is hope for eggplant.

It's weird to go grocery shopping and not have an overfull cart. I don't buy much in boxes (prepared foods) anymore. It's mostly produce. I feel so much better as I'm checking out knowing that what I'm buying is good for me. And it's making a difference in my body clutter - it continues to go down.

I need to go back and listen to previous episodes of The FlyShow to see if I'm following the suggestions that Marla and Leanne have had for me or if there are things that just don't make sense in my routines. I know that I'm walking, drinking smoothies, using the Body Clutter Investigator and the Body Clutter Menu Mailer. I'm sure they've had some other suggestions but those are the ones that stick out in my mind and that I've been able to add to my routine.

The email I sent out to the Colorado Springs FlyGroup was approved and sent out by Terry. I'm hoping that people will still want to get together even though we are going to meet at a restaurant instead. It could be a lot of fun.

FlyLady is going to be in Grand Junction, CO in October for an Eric Dodge concert. I don't know if she is speaking or not. It would be fun to go to see Eric perform though. Don't think I'll be able to make it though. Grand Junction is quite a ways from here. I'm still wishing I could go to the FlyFest. Oh well, maybe I can save up and go to the next one. Might even be able to get a local Flybaby to go with me so I don't have to travel alone.

Well, that's it for now. I'm going to rest for a while longer then start my evening routine. I'll write more later.

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