Monday, September 17, 2007

Daily Routines

I did make a list of what I actually do each day and realized that I already have a daily set of routines. Before I was trying to follow routines that basically I had made up based on other peoples routines. Once I figured out that I really do have a routine, it was much easier to add in some of the things that FlyLady suggests (decluttering for 15 minutes, Zone work, etc.). Here's what my daily routine looks like:

* get up
* let the dogs out
* feed and water the dogs
* let the dogs in
* flip the FlyLady Comfort Zone calendar
* weigh; take meds with water
* dress for walk
* get tape/CD player for walk
* walk 1 mile
* 15 minute break; drink water
* give dogs meds
* shower
* dress to the lace up shoes
* start/reboot laundry
* empty/reload dishwasher
* 15 minute break; breakfast (try to have a smoothie)
* declutter for 15 minutes
* Zone Work
* 5 minute room rescue
* hot spot fire drill
* 15 minute break; drink water; snack
* think about what's for dinner (check Body Clutter Menu Mailer)
* 15 minute break; drink water; lunch
* time for me/pamper mission/nap
* 15 minute break; drink water; dinner
* clean the kitchen; shine the sink
* open/trash/shred mail; go through financial/mail bin
* update blogs, forum
* brush my teeth
* lay out clothes for next day
* take meds with water
* go to bed at a decent hour

I don't have to do every single thing on the list every day. This is just my guideline. I am not going to lock myself in to 'checking off every item on the list'. I'm going to use the list to help me to stay focused.

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