Tuesday, September 18, 2007


I've gotten off to a pretty good start this morning. Here's what I've done so far:

* got up
* made the bed
* let the dogs out
* fed and watered the dogs
* let the dogs in
* flipped the FlyLady Comfort Zone calendar
* brushed my teeth
* dressed to walk
* got my tape player, relaxation tape and gum to go walking
* went for a mile walk
* rested for 15 minutes; drank 8 oz of water
* gave the dogs their medicine

Routine: I got stuck at taking a shower. I've been sitting here napping off and on for two hours instead of showering and continuing my routine. I seem to have some kind of mental block about taking a shower. I don't know what the obstacle is. I just know that I dread taking a shower. Which is ironic because I love how I feel after I've taken a shower. It really helps me to relax and then get going on the rest of my daily routine. Where does the dread come from? I need to figure out how to make myself take a shower each day as soon as I'm done with my 15 minute break and drinking water after my walk. Instead I wait for hours to shower. I always get it done, but I end up wasting a lot of my day putting off doing it. I know part of the problem is the medicine I take in the morning for my back and neck pain. It makes me very sleepy and unmotivated. I'm not sure that I could walk without taking it, but by the time I get home, I'm more than ready for a nap. I guess I could try to go without it and see how I feel while walking. If I can get through the walk without it, I could get home and get some other things done before I take my meds and get sleepy. It stinks that I need the medicine to get through the day. I guess I could try getting through the day without it and see how I feel.

Body Clutter: I know I'll feel much better after I lose some more body clutter. I'm down about 16 pounds so far. It's coming off slowly. Much slower than I'd like it to come off. But then again, I'm used to losing weight fast (then putting it all back on again!). So losing it slowly is the way to go. It's the healthy way to do it.

Finances: I checked the online account today. I forgot that the dog food was being delivered today. So, I'm in the negative (again! ~sigh~). I get paid tomorrow though so there will be plenty of money in there to cover the negative ($11 or so) and take care of the other bills I have scheduled. I'm still trying to figure out how to use my FlyLady calendar to keep track of the finances instead of using a check book. It's easier if I see it every day instead of it being hidden away in a check book. Out of sight is out of mind for me. I'll get it figured out eventually. I know I can get it to work.

Zone Work: I haven't gotten much zone work done in the past. I'm trying to get it in my routine so it gets done. By looking at the house, I can tell that I'm not getting the zone work done. The floors need to be vacuumed and cleaned. Dusting needs to be done. Counters need to be wiped down. And bathrooms definitely need a good cleaning. I need to get it into my head that I can get this stuff done just working 15 minutes at a time. Zone work is fairly easy and quick, but I just keep putting it off. It's another thing where I have a mental block, where there is an obstacle that I can't see. I think that's why David said the other day that the house is filthy. It's not really filthy, it's just not as clean as it could be. I've seen filthy houses and mine isn't filthy. But it could benefit from some Zone work.

Am I the only one that struggles with these issues? Do other Flybabies have these or other obstacles too? I'm somewhat ashamed to admit all this stuff, but I want to be honest with myself and take responsibility for not only what I do, but for what I don't do too. If you're struggling at all, please leave a comment and let me know what you are struggling with. I sure would like to know I'm not in this alone.

It's 11:20am and I still haven't taken my shower. I'm getting sidetracked with this blog. I'm procrastinating because I don't want to do it. Yesterday I didn't shower until about 2:30pm! Yikes! I can't keep putting it off like that every day. I need to just get in there and get it done. Okay, I'm going to go and do it right now! Go Me!

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