Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Productive day

I had a really good day today. I didn't do everything on my daily routine list, but I'm okay with that. Here's what I got done:

* got up, made the bed
* let the dogs out, fed and watered the dogs, let the dogs in, gave the dogs their meds
* flipped the calendar
* weighed, brushed my teeth, checked the calendar
* got dressed for walking
* did my 1 mile walk
* rested for 15 minutes
* showered
* made and drank protein smoothie
* started laundry
* did my bible study
* went to bible study
* cooked dinner
* cleaned the kitchen, shined the sink
* updated forum and blogs
* time for me

It was quite a productive day. And I'll top it off with finishing my evening routine and getting to bed at a decent hour.

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