Thursday, September 20, 2007

On the radio, whoa oh oh

I called into the FlyShow today. I updated the ladies on my Body Clutter Adventures. I told them that I'm walking, drinking my smoothie for breakfast and using the Body Clutter Investigator. Marla asked me if I was washing out the blender with soap and water and I told her I was and that it was so much easier than I thought it would be. Leanne asked if I was enjoying the smoothie. I told her it was delicious. She called it 'sin in a glass' lol.

Mission Time: reboot the laundry / laundry folded and put away

I mentioned to Marla, that like her, I finally figured out that my routine has to be MY routine. And once I did that I was able to add in walking, the smoothie and the other things that I want to add in (Zone Work, etc.). It goes much easier with it being my usual daily routine instead of trying to do the sample routine that Marla sends to us. I was trying to do the routine sent to me perfectly (yeesh!) instead of figuring out what it is that I actually do each day. It's no surprise that the sample routine wasn't working for me. As Leanne said, I was trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. The square peg can fit into a round hole once it is adapted to fit it. And that's the thing with the routine. As soon as I adapted it to fit me, it really worked.

They asked if I was going to the FlyFest in Brevard. I told them that I wasn't able to get there this time, but this weekend I was getting together with other local Flybabies. Marla told me to give the other Flybabies a hug from her. I really wish I could get to the FlyFest. It would be so much fun.

Leanne told me again that she'd like me to call in every week. It's certainly an encouragement to me to get my franny in gear knowing that I'll be calling in the following week. It's nice to have the support of Marla and Leanne and the other Flybabies.

Marla said that at some point I need to get hooked up with Leslie (Missus Smarty Pants) so I can start looking good too. I'm already feeling a whole lot better, it would be nice to look better too.

Leanne also mentioned me during another call. That was pretty neat.

I've been able to get a lot done today. I've taken a break for the FlyShow, but I've still been able to do many things on my daily routine list. I feel very positive.

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