Thursday, October 11, 2007

Thank goodness for web bill pay!

I wanted all the bills to be paid on time so I put them into the web bill pay for thier due dates. Only problem is that I've just started using Quicken to track my finances (never really tracked them before) and I could see on the calendar view that I'd be short for over a week with the way I had scheduled things. But thank goodness for web bill pay. Had I sent the bill traditionally, through snail mail, I would have just had to suck it up and go into the negative. I would have spent every day wondering if it was the day that i would take the hit financially. I'm new to all this TMMO stuff and I'm still working out the budget. Anyway, because I had the bill on web bill pay I could go in and cancel the payment and schedule it for next week when I actually have the money (what a concept!). I'm going to call to let them know that I need to pay the bill one week late (it's for the phone and they have worked with me before when necessary). Whew!

Why then am I feeling so guilty? I know I'm doing the logical thing. I shouldn't go in the negative (that's an old pattern) and incur NSF fees when I can remedy the situation by making a scheduled late payment. Guess my perfectionism is rearing it's ugly head. When I do something, such a the TMMO, I want to do it 'perfectly'. I made a budget and I should be able to follow it. Right? But I hadn't budgeted for a $250 hit for life insurance (yes, it was expected at some point, but because I didn't keep track I didn't know exactly when it would come ~sigh~), $60 in late fees for being behind on the mortgage, $30 to have the sprinklers blown out and turned off (we're not able to get under the house to do it because of physical problems, so we have to hire it out to be done), $10 more to electric than budgeted for (I'm on budget billing now, yay!), $30 for license tags, $25 for DH's flu shot (not covered under our plan) and $150 for DH's prescriptions (we do get them through mail order, again, I wasn't tracking so it was a 'surprise'').

I guess this is what you all mean by getting 'Murphy'd'. I'm going to be grateful though that I could pay for all of these 'unexpected' bites out of the apple and that I could reschedule the phone payment. I feel an incredible amount of relief now that the calendar in Quicken is no longer showing numbers in the red.

Just needed to vent. Thanks for being here.

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