Monday, October 22, 2007


10/21/07 It’s snowing out. Yep, October 21st and it’s snowing out. I took a couple of pictures that I’ll post probably tomorrow. I don’t think I’ll get to the library today because of the weather. I don’t want to go out in the snow. If it clears up some though I might have David take me over there just so I can order my prescriptions. I need to get that done. I probably won’t get to that until tomorrow either. Anyway, it’s like a winter wonderland out there. It’s a good day to sit under the blanket or to nap. The girls have gone out a couple times already. They don’t seem to mind the snow. I thought they would have a problem going out because they don’t like going out in the rain, but they don’t seem to mind the snow.

I had a lot of bad dreams last night. I think it’s because of the new medicine I’m taking for the bladder issue. I take it at night before I go to bed and I end up feeling weird during the night. I think I’m going to stop taking it and see what happens. I’ll have to call the Doctor and see if there is something else I can take. I also need to get something generic. I can’t afford these name brand drugs.

The girls just came in from outside. It’s really snowing out now. Big flakes. The wind is picking up and whipping the snow around. It looks nasty out there. It wasn’t this bad just a half an hour ago. Boy, the weather sure can change quickly. It was in the 70’s yesterday and it’s snowing today. It’s supposed to be nice the rest of the week though, cool but not snowy. It’s just yucky out today.

I sure wish I had internet access. It’s still frustrating to not have instant access. I miss being able to just look something up when I think about it. I’m very spoiled. lol

Since it is cold and snowing we decided to go take a morning nap. We just got up a few minutes ago. I think we would have slept longer but Gabe called so I got up to answer the phone. I looked out on the deck and we have about three inches of snow! And it’s still cold, windy and snowing. Brrr! David asked if I wanted to go to the library. I told him that I don’t want to go out in this weather. I should check to see how the streets are though. If they are clear I might think about going to the library. I wouldn’t be able to stay long though since David would be waiting so it’s not really worth going. I can wait and do what I need to do tomorrow morning. I don’t have anything scheduled this whole week. I’ll just be going to the library each day once I get my morning routine done (walk, shower, breakfast, laundry, dishes). I have no appointments until next week when I go to the optometrist. I won’t be able to get new lenses even if I need them because I don’t have the money in the budget to do that. Maybe I’ll just reschedule and go when I have a bit more money in the bank account.

I’ve been playing with the budget this weekend working out some of November and December’s expenses and income. I like having a budget. Having a framework to work within really helps. I realize that I’m not on BS1 yet (the $1k BEF). I’m still trying to get current with all the bills. I need to get ahead so that bills aren’t late at all. I know it will take months to get the budget really working so I need to be patient. I need to be as much ahead as I can be before we start saving for the BEF. With the Excel spreadsheet that I’m using, the one from, I can put in different figures and see what effect it has on the rest of the month and the coming month. We need to stay within what we’ve budgeted for groceries, gas, etc. Anything over what we have budgeted for the month will go toward paying bills at the beginning of the next month (land lease and mortgage). I know I’ll get there soon enough.

I just had a pb&j for lunch. It was good. Think I’ll have some raisins for a snack in a little while.

I miss the DR forum and listening to the show during the day. I can hear the show from the day before the next morning from 9-noon. But I like listening to it live online. I’m not sure why it’s not on live on our local radio stations. At least I can get it in the morning. That’s helped me out this week while I’ve been internet-less. It’s funny, but I’m not much interested in the forum while I’m at the library. The forum is something I do in my leisure time. When I’m at the library I want to just get done what I need to do and get back home. Sitting there looking at the forum isn’t much fun. I like to look at it when I can just sit at home with nothing else to do.

I don’t have much else to say today. Maybe I’ll blog some more later but for now I have nothing left to say. lol

We finally went out today. David wanted to gas up his jeep so we went to 7-11. The roads are just fine. It’s cold (about 30 degrees) and windy though. I’ll wait to go to the library tomorrow when it’s nicer out.

I’m really hungry today. Don’t know why. I’m snacking but on fruit and stuff. I think it’s because I am bored without the internet. Usually I just sit in my chair and surf but since I don’t have that to do, I want to eat. That’s not good.

I got the Sunday paper while we were at the store. I’ll check out jobs and the coupons here in just a minute.

There are quite a few jobs in the paper today. I’ll do some applications online tomorrow. I need to find my resume. I made one up put it isn’t that good. I need my detailed resume. I looked on some CD’s I made but no luck finding the resume. I did find a zip disk that has documents on it from when I was working. My resume might be on there. I need to find someone who has a zip disk drive so I can access the disk. I have to find that resume. I’ll need it to apply for jobs in this week’s paper. There are quite a few part time jobs that would be of interest to me. I must have shredded my hard copy of my resume. Stupid. I’ve looked through all the files on my laptop and I have Brad and David’s resume, but not mine. I’m sure it’s on that zip disk. I may have to check with a computer shop to see if I can get access to it if Lisa or Kitty doesn’t have a zip drive. I don’t even have the information to recreate my resume. I have no idea of jobs or pay. Man, this is frustrating. I just called Kitty and left a message for her asking if she or anyone she knows has a zip drive. If she doesn’t I’ll check with Lisa. I’m sure a local computer company would have a zip drive. I don’t want to have to pay just to get it transferred to my flash drive. I hope Kitty can help me out. Maybe she can check with Dan and see if they have one up at FOTF. There must be a zip drive somewhere up there. Arrgghh! I’m so frustrated. I can’t believe I don’t have a copy of my resume anywhere that I can access. I wonder if they have a zip drive at any of the library branches. I guess I could check with Best Buy or Circuit City and see if they have one available. Maybe they’d let me check to see if the file is on there and just move the one file. I’m feeling pretty desperate. I can’t use the resume I made this past week because it’s so terrible.

I need to get my mind off of this. It’s going to drive me crazy if I keep thinking about it.

Kitty called me back. She has a zip drive. Woohoo! I’m going to give her a call tomorrow and go by there on my way to the library. I might go to the Ruth Holley library if they have wi-fi there since I’ll already be on the side of town. I think they do have wi-fi. I’m just glad that Kitty has a zip drive. Now I just have to believe that my resume is on that zip disk. If not, I’m up a creek. I do have one other floppy disk I can check but I don’t think my resume is on that disk. It has to be on that zip disk. I think I can plug the zip disk into my laptop but I’ll bring it over to Kitty’s to make sure before I take it. I’ll transfer my other zip disks to CD’s while I have it. If I can’t plug it into the laptop, then I’ll have to have Kitty set it up on her PC and use it over there.

Okay, now I can relax a little. I’ve found the zip drive. I know I have a really nice resume (if it’s on the zip drive) and it would help me to get a job if I had a better resume than the crappy one that I put together last week.

David’s watching hockey. I’m bored.

Not bored any more. The Red Sox are playing Cleveland in game 7 of the ALCS. They are leading 2-0 in the top of the third. Matsuzaka is pitching. If they win this game they will play in the World Series against the Rockies. No question as to who I’ll be routing for in that Series.

I know I’m insane now because I keep doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result each time I do it. What am I doing you ask? I keep trying to log on to the internet. I’ll pick up some other wireless networks and I’ll try them to see if they are public. So far none of them have been public. But I keep trying. See, I’m insane! lol

I look forward to finding my resume on that zip disk. If it’s not on there I’ll have to keep using that crappy one that I put together last week. I’m sure that the one that might be on the zip disk has what I made per hour. I have no idea how much money I made at my last job and I don’t have any paperwork that documents what I made. I really, really need that resume to be on the zip disk. I’ll call Kitty around 9am and go over there and then to the library. I hope the RH branch has wi-fi. I’m not sure that the RH branch is any closer than the East branch. I should measure the mileage tomorrow. If RH has wi-fi and it’s closer, I’ll go there until I get access at home. I’ll feel so spoiled having access at home again! lol

How I’ve made it this long without internet at home is beyond me. If I didn’t have wi-fi at the library I would be crazy by now. I need to check on how much my prescription will cost. I’ll order what I can tomorrow, if I can get logged onto the site. Then I can order the rest on Friday. I also want to remember to do that timed typing test again so I can see how many wpm I’m typing these days.


I have the home phone forwarded to my cell phone so that hasn’t been a problem. We haven’t had too many calls. Speaking of which, Lynn hasn’t called today. Maybe I’ll give her a call in a little bit.

Have I said “I WANT MY INTERNET BACK!!!” lately? Well, I’m saying it now!

I just want to go to bed so I don’t have to face the rest of the night without internet access but I want to stay up to see the Red Sox game. It’s just before 8pm. I think I’ll take my nighttime medicine and see if I can get sleepy enough to not be bored and frustrated.

Most of the jobs in the paper today that I was looking at wanted 50wpm for typing. I think I could do that but I’m not sure what my accuracy would be for 50wpm. That’s why I want to do that timed typing test, so I can see not only what my speed will be but what my accuracy is.

I’ve got to put the laptop down. I’m starting to get too frustrated again. ~sigh~

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