The kitchen is clean, the dishes are in the dishwasher and the sink is shiny. About the only thing I didn't get to today is some laundry in the dryer. I could try to get to it now, but I'm tired and think I'll go to bed instead. I want to be rested for tomorrows get together.
I didn't do as well as I would have liked drinking water today. It's hard for me to drink much when I'm not feeling good. Should be the other way around though - when I'm not feeling well I should be drinking more water. I also don't feel like I ate as well as I could have today. I had a bowl of cereal for a snack (not a good idea) and a Skinny Cow ice cream bar for an evening snack. I could have made some better choices. It'll probably show up on the scale tomorrow. Anyway, I'm trying to get a bottle of water in me before I go to bed. I've had half the bottle so far.
I want to take a picture of myself at my current weight so I can have a 'before' 'during' and 'after' pics. I can see some of the fat leaving my body already but I'd like to keep a pictorial history so I can really see the difference.
David just brought up a good point. How will I know who the other Flybabies are? Well, I'll probably see if the FlyLady clingie will stick to a shirt. If that doesn't work, I'll wear my FlyLady lanyard. I'm going to wait outside for people to show up. Once there's enough of us, we'll go in and start ordering. Hopefully we'll be able to attract the attention of other Flybabies who get there late. Maybe I'll bring the clingie and put it on the table so other Flybabies can find us easier. It'll all work out.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Colorado Fly Group
I responded to a post in the Colorado Fly Group (the one about the dead crock pot). I'd like to see more activity on that group. The more I can be involved, the better things seem to go. I think it's an accountability thing. Being in touch with other people makes the Fly lifestyle come to life too.
Dinner was yummy. David really enjoyed it. Leanne has such good recipes in the Menu Mailers. The dinner's are fairly easy to make too. It's not a big deal to make a dinner with the BCMM. I already have most of the kitchen cleaned up (I cleaned as I went along). So now I can rest again.
I'm really tired today. Hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow for the get together. I'm going no matter what though.
Dinner was yummy. David really enjoyed it. Leanne has such good recipes in the Menu Mailers. The dinner's are fairly easy to make too. It's not a big deal to make a dinner with the BCMM. I already have most of the kitchen cleaned up (I cleaned as I went along). So now I can rest again.
I'm really tired today. Hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow for the get together. I'm going no matter what though.
The salad is on the plates and the dinner is in the oven. It has about 15 minutes to go. It smells really good. It's a very healthy meal.
David is through painting for the day. He has one coat of white on all the trim now. Woohoo! Ther room looks so much nicer with a curtain up. I think I will go over to Target and see if they have any valance type curtains that don't cost too much. If they don't I'll try Wal-Mart. Now that I have a curtain up in the bedroom, I want to have them permanently. So I'll probably go over to the store after dinner. I'm sure I can find something. Maybe I'll check out Goodwill too. 'Course they won't be open this late, I don't think. I just need two matching curtains. Shouldn't be too hard to find (famous last words).
Off to check on the painting that David did. I'm sure it will look great.
David is through painting for the day. He has one coat of white on all the trim now. Woohoo! Ther room looks so much nicer with a curtain up. I think I will go over to Target and see if they have any valance type curtains that don't cost too much. If they don't I'll try Wal-Mart. Now that I have a curtain up in the bedroom, I want to have them permanently. So I'll probably go over to the store after dinner. I'm sure I can find something. Maybe I'll check out Goodwill too. 'Course they won't be open this late, I don't think. I just need two matching curtains. Shouldn't be too hard to find (famous last words).
Off to check on the painting that David did. I'm sure it will look great.
I have accomplished things today!
I need to write out what I've done today so that I can feel positive about my day.
* got up, made the bed
* let the dogs out, fed and watered the dogs, gave the dogs meds
* flipped the calendar
* checked email
* weighed, brushed my teeth, checked the calendar
* dressed and got ready for walk
* walked 1+ mile
* rested and drank water
* showered, S&S'd, dressed to the shoes
* start laundry
* breakfast (smoothie)
* empty/reload the dishwasher
* update Money
* morning snack
* checked out what was for dinner (bacon, cheeseburger quiche)
* open/trash/shred incoming mail, go through financial/mail bin
I've done a lot today already. I'm going to get dinner going in just a bit. It's bacon cheeseBURGER quiche (I left out the burger in a previous post). It sounds yummy.
David is still painting. That's why he gets frustrated - he doesn't take breaks often enough.
I've got laundry in the dryer to take care of so I'm going to get to that.
Looking forward to the Flybaby get together tomorrow! :-)
* got up, made the bed
* let the dogs out, fed and watered the dogs, gave the dogs meds
* flipped the calendar
* checked email
* weighed, brushed my teeth, checked the calendar
* dressed and got ready for walk
* walked 1+ mile
* rested and drank water
* showered, S&S'd, dressed to the shoes
* start laundry
* breakfast (smoothie)
* empty/reload the dishwasher
* update Money
* morning snack
* checked out what was for dinner (bacon, cheeseburger quiche)
* open/trash/shred incoming mail, go through financial/mail bin
I've done a lot today already. I'm going to get dinner going in just a bit. It's bacon cheeseBURGER quiche (I left out the burger in a previous post). It sounds yummy.
David is still painting. That's why he gets frustrated - he doesn't take breaks often enough.
I've got laundry in the dryer to take care of so I'm going to get to that.
Looking forward to the Flybaby get together tomorrow! :-)
Why is it that David will often say something about things he thinks I have not done (dusting, today it's vacuuming) but he rarely says anything about the things that I do get done? I feel frustated and bad. I think he picks on me when he has to do stuff around the house. He doesn't like that he's doing something and to him, I'm not doing anything. I get stuff done, I just take frequent breaks while he powers through what he's doing (painting right now) without taking breaks. I really feel like he's being mean pointing out all the things that I haven't done yet. I know that I don't get as much done as I would like to each day, but things certainly are better than they used to be. The house is NOT a disaster, but it does need some blessing. I don't think he knows how difficult it is for me to clean the house. I do my best, but right now I'm feeling like that just is not good enough. I don't want to sound like I'm blaming him, because I'm not. He's just frustrated with the pet hair all over the place (as am I). I guess I just have to really focus on the zone work from here on out. It's not going to all get done in a day. I'm just not going to overwhelm myself and put too much on myself doing cleaning. If I do, I'll end up never getting it done because I will dread doing it.
I know that he doesn't mean anything by what he's saying. I'm just sensitive because I feel like I'm getting so much done but it never seems to be the stuff he wants me to get done. Oh well.
I know that he doesn't mean anything by what he's saying. I'm just sensitive because I feel like I'm getting so much done but it never seems to be the stuff he wants me to get done. Oh well.
Dagnabbit! I thought I had two curtains - one in the office and one in the guest room. I took the one from the office and hung it up on the window on my side of the bed. I went into the guest room to get the other one and surprise, surprise, no curtain. Not sure what I'm going to do now. I'll probably have to take one from the living room. I can't afford to buy new ones. Not right now anyway. Rats. It does look better with the curtain up though. Think I'll switch it to the window on David's side though. That way, when I look down the hall it'll look nice with the curtain up. Guess I'll go do that now.
My favorite piece of artwork
I hung up my painting. I think it looks beautiful. Here's a photo of it.

I've loved this painting since the day I saw it. It's a limited edition (268/300). It adds a lot of color to the room.
I took a few minutes and cleaned out the kitty litter box. I switched to regular kitty litter from scoopable. The regular just doesn't do the job that the scoopable does. I'll switch back now that we're out of kitty litter.
I think I'll go take down the curtains in the office and the guest room (rooms that aren't used very much) and put them in the bedroom. It really needs curtains to make it look good. Yeah, I'll go do that.
Whistle while you work
I just got back from running an errand for David at Lowe's. He needed some weed killer and horseshoe nails to fix the back fence. The dogs keep trying to get out of the yard under the fence. Right now David is painting the closet doors and trim in the bedroom. It's looking so much better. Think I'll go hang my painting up.
Slow cookers
I remembered to reboot the laundry. It's in the dryer now. It feels good to get some stuff done around here. Keeping up certainly makes life less stressful.
I got an email from the Colorado Flybaby Group. A woman's crock pot died on her this morning and she was wondering how to dispose of it. I think it can just go in the trash. Maybe she could donate the crock itself or keep it for her new one (if she gets the same kind). I haven't been able to find my crock pot. I'd like to get one but it will have to wait until I can save up the money.
I don't know that there are any crock meals in the BCMM. I know there is a separate MM for the crock pot, but I didn't subscribe to that. I'd like to get one of those chrome crock pots that has a warming tray on it. The big, round, ceramic crock pot is too heavy, awkward and hard to fit in the dishwasher. A nice light weight one that fits in the dishwasher better is what I want to get.
Tonight for dinner we're having a bacon cheese quiche. Sounds pretty tasty. I'm looking forward to preparing it. I really do like having the BCMM. It makes dinner a snap.
Time to go do something productive.
I got an email from the Colorado Flybaby Group. A woman's crock pot died on her this morning and she was wondering how to dispose of it. I think it can just go in the trash. Maybe she could donate the crock itself or keep it for her new one (if she gets the same kind). I haven't been able to find my crock pot. I'd like to get one but it will have to wait until I can save up the money.
I don't know that there are any crock meals in the BCMM. I know there is a separate MM for the crock pot, but I didn't subscribe to that. I'd like to get one of those chrome crock pots that has a warming tray on it. The big, round, ceramic crock pot is too heavy, awkward and hard to fit in the dishwasher. A nice light weight one that fits in the dishwasher better is what I want to get.
Tonight for dinner we're having a bacon cheese quiche. Sounds pretty tasty. I'm looking forward to preparing it. I really do like having the BCMM. It makes dinner a snap.
Time to go do something productive.
The day continues on
Shower is done. I'm dressed to the lace up shoes. I've started a load of laundry and emptied and reloaded the dishwasher. I had my smoothie for breakfast. I gave David a small glass of it. He said it was good. I'm still not feeling well so I'm going to take it easy again today. I'll put in 15 minutes here and there to get stuff done. There's no zone work today since it's Saturday and I've already cleaned the bathrooms this week anyway.
Today is family fun day. David is going to paint the monster bedroom for fun today. lol He hasn't been painting at all the past two weeks. So today he's going to put in some time doing it. I could hang up my artwork and make the bed up. I could also help him put the lights on the wall. I also need to put the vacuum and shop vac away. Guess I could vacuum before I put them away though. lol
I'm using the Body Clutter Investigator and it's helping me to keep away from the extra snacks and it helps reminds me to drink my water. I'm glad that Marla and Leanne encouraged me to download and use it. It's nice to know that my number is going down steadily. I can feel it in my clothes. They are getting looser on me. I'm not sure if I can get jean shorts and jeans taken in, but I'll have to check into it.
David wanted to go out and get some fertilizer and a fertilizer spreader. I told him that we just can't afford to do that right now. He'll only use the spreader once or so and it's not worth spending the money on a new one. I'm going to check on craigslist and see if there's one on there for a LOT less.
I've got to get out there and clean the back yard today. It really needs to be cleaned up. I meant to do it Thursday, but I ended up being 'too busy' with the FlyShow and grocery shopping. That means that it has to be done today.
Time for a break from the laptop.
Today is family fun day. David is going to paint the monster bedroom for fun today. lol He hasn't been painting at all the past two weeks. So today he's going to put in some time doing it. I could hang up my artwork and make the bed up. I could also help him put the lights on the wall. I also need to put the vacuum and shop vac away. Guess I could vacuum before I put them away though. lol
I'm using the Body Clutter Investigator and it's helping me to keep away from the extra snacks and it helps reminds me to drink my water. I'm glad that Marla and Leanne encouraged me to download and use it. It's nice to know that my number is going down steadily. I can feel it in my clothes. They are getting looser on me. I'm not sure if I can get jean shorts and jeans taken in, but I'll have to check into it.
David wanted to go out and get some fertilizer and a fertilizer spreader. I told him that we just can't afford to do that right now. He'll only use the spreader once or so and it's not worth spending the money on a new one. I'm going to check on craigslist and see if there's one on there for a LOT less.
I've got to get out there and clean the back yard today. It really needs to be cleaned up. I meant to do it Thursday, but I ended up being 'too busy' with the FlyShow and grocery shopping. That means that it has to be done today.
Time for a break from the laptop.
Walk like an Egyptian
I just got back from my walk and I'm taking a bit of a rest before I jump in the shower. I'm still not feeling 100% and I could feel it during my walk. I was wheezing a little. I got through the whole mile though. It's quite an accomplishment for me to be walking a mile every day.
I weighed myself this morning and my # is 253.6. When I started weighing myself with the scale I weighed 233. I think my highest weight lately has been at least 273! ~Yikes~ But I'm encouraged because I'm going in the right direction. My target weight is 150. It'll take a while to get there, but I'm willing to put in the time and effort.
I'll make my smoothie for breakfast after my shower. David wants to try the smoothie this morning. It's so good that I don't really want to share. lol I hope he likes it. If not, more for me! :-)
I was up .2 today. I think it's because I didn't drink very much water yesterday. I need to try and drink more water today. Well, off to the shower I go.
I weighed myself this morning and my # is 253.6. When I started weighing myself with the scale I weighed 233. I think my highest weight lately has been at least 273! ~Yikes~ But I'm encouraged because I'm going in the right direction. My target weight is 150. It'll take a while to get there, but I'm willing to put in the time and effort.
I'll make my smoothie for breakfast after my shower. David wants to try the smoothie this morning. It's so good that I don't really want to share. lol I hope he likes it. If not, more for me! :-)
I was up .2 today. I think it's because I didn't drink very much water yesterday. I need to try and drink more water today. Well, off to the shower I go.
Friday, September 21, 2007
I looked up the definition of ratatouille. It's a vegatable type stew. I missed out on the veggie part because the eggplant was bad and I chose not to add peppers. So I guess mine is a zucchini wanna be ratatouille. Next time I'll figure out some other veggies I can add. It does smell very good though. David is still napping so we won't be eating for a while yet. I cooked some whole wheat pasta to put the ratatouille over. I'll have to make up for the lack of veggies in the main meal with a salad tonight.
I forgot to get TP yesterday when I was shopping so I'll have to go out tomorrow to get some. I didn't feel well enough today to go out to the store.
When I talked to Grace this week she was telling me about the amazing changes that Marla and Leanne are making in her life and her teaching. I sent her the Teacher's Control Journal and the Student's Control Journal. She said they were very helpful to her. She also said that she really liked the idea of the Menu Mailer and will be checking that out. I was wonderfully surprised to hear the changes she has made in her life that is taking away stress. She's doing an evening routine and now has had time in the morning for breakfast and getting ready without having to rush. She's using a timer in her class and it really helps keep her and the kids focused. I told her that she really needs to get that testimony off to Marla and Leanne. I hope she can find time to do it because they would love to hear what a positive change there has been in her life. (Have I written about this before on this blog? It sounds familiar. Sorry if you've had to read about it twice, but it's worth reading because her attitude is so encouraging.)
I'm really enjoying being a part of the Flybaby forum and the ColoradoSpringsFlybaby group. It's nice to be able to share my daily experiences with other Flybabies. I've had a lot of support from them online and they've had many great suggestions when I have an issue. And just think, I'll get to actually meet other Flybabies on Sunday. I hope we all get on well. There's a chat on the BTR show on Thursdays but I'm not sure how to get involved in that yet. I hope to have it figured out by next Thursday. Marla said that Jeff is trying to work things out so he can help them with the BTR show. I miss him and the musical interludes. I can't wait for them to come back. I'm going to have a more planned call next week. I'm going to keep an eye on things this week and discuss issues that have come up for me. If I'm going to be an example and be accountable, I need to keep track of what's going on inside (emotional body clutter) and out (body clutter).
The ladies discussed interval training on the show yesterday. I guess that would mean walking faster for 20-30 seconds every few minutes for me. I'm going to do some online research on interval training and it's application for walking. I certainly wouldn't mind losing weight faster and feeling better. The trainer that Marla is using is a guy in Boulder, CO. She's going to be meeting with him soon and I think will work something out to help us Flybabies. He has an online program and a DVD/online program. I'd love to have a personal trainer, someone to keep me motivated, who cared about my progress almost as much as I do. It will be cool to see what they come up with.
Off to do some research...
I forgot to get TP yesterday when I was shopping so I'll have to go out tomorrow to get some. I didn't feel well enough today to go out to the store.
When I talked to Grace this week she was telling me about the amazing changes that Marla and Leanne are making in her life and her teaching. I sent her the Teacher's Control Journal and the Student's Control Journal. She said they were very helpful to her. She also said that she really liked the idea of the Menu Mailer and will be checking that out. I was wonderfully surprised to hear the changes she has made in her life that is taking away stress. She's doing an evening routine and now has had time in the morning for breakfast and getting ready without having to rush. She's using a timer in her class and it really helps keep her and the kids focused. I told her that she really needs to get that testimony off to Marla and Leanne. I hope she can find time to do it because they would love to hear what a positive change there has been in her life. (Have I written about this before on this blog? It sounds familiar. Sorry if you've had to read about it twice, but it's worth reading because her attitude is so encouraging.)
I'm really enjoying being a part of the Flybaby forum and the ColoradoSpringsFlybaby group. It's nice to be able to share my daily experiences with other Flybabies. I've had a lot of support from them online and they've had many great suggestions when I have an issue. And just think, I'll get to actually meet other Flybabies on Sunday. I hope we all get on well. There's a chat on the BTR show on Thursdays but I'm not sure how to get involved in that yet. I hope to have it figured out by next Thursday. Marla said that Jeff is trying to work things out so he can help them with the BTR show. I miss him and the musical interludes. I can't wait for them to come back. I'm going to have a more planned call next week. I'm going to keep an eye on things this week and discuss issues that have come up for me. If I'm going to be an example and be accountable, I need to keep track of what's going on inside (emotional body clutter) and out (body clutter).
The ladies discussed interval training on the show yesterday. I guess that would mean walking faster for 20-30 seconds every few minutes for me. I'm going to do some online research on interval training and it's application for walking. I certainly wouldn't mind losing weight faster and feeling better. The trainer that Marla is using is a guy in Boulder, CO. She's going to be meeting with him soon and I think will work something out to help us Flybabies. He has an online program and a DVD/online program. I'd love to have a personal trainer, someone to keep me motivated, who cared about my progress almost as much as I do. It will be cool to see what they come up with.
Off to do some research...
Bad eggplant - yuck!
Well, there won't be any eggplant in tonights dinner. I cut it open and it didn't look right (not sure what eggplant is supposed to look like, but this certainly didn't look right). I'd have to say that the produce at Safeway this week wasn't up to snuff. A lot of it was wilted and it was difficult to find good stuff. I thought I had picked out good stuff but I guess the eggplant wasn't as good as I had thought. I'll make the recipe without the eggplant and try to get a good eggplant at King Soopers or Wild Oats for the next time.
All kinds of stuff
Finances: Well, it wasn't good news from the financial advisor. Good thing I've got the finances organized a bit better and I'm actually tracking the finances now. We'll definitely have to be on a very tight budget from now on. I wasn't surprised by any of it since I had done the 2 year tracking project. We spent WAY too much money up at the other house paying for all six of us. Besides spending tens of thousands of dollars on the remodel, the amount for gas and groceries was very high. Not unexpected for feeding and transporting six people. At least we're in an okay place right now. We can pick up the pieces and move forward from here. It's a hard lesson to learn but I'm glad we have FACE'd our finances. FlyLady's FACE Control Journal has really been helpful in this situation. It's amazing how so many things are connected: finances, budget, menuplanning, grocery shopping, etc. I'm grateful that FlyLady has a control journal for finances.
Holidays: The Holiday Control Journal will be out in a couple of weeks. I'm definitely going to use it this holiday season. It will help me to stay focused and not go overboard. Last year I totally went overboard on spending for Christmas. Most of it was spent on families that were having financial hard times. I bought presents for 3 or 4 families. I enjoyed doing it but I certainly wasn't focused. I spent way more than I should have. This year we won't be able to afford any presents. We just don't have the money to buy presents or treats for the holidays. The holidays have become so commercial anyway. We can resolve not to spend much money but still enjoy the holidays. If it's not in the budget we can't spend money on it.
Blessing the house: It's so nice to have the house mostly organized. On a day like today, when I'm not feeling well, it is so much less stressful being able to look around and see the house looking good. If it were looking bad and I was feeling bad, I would feel even worse. But I know that with just 15 minutes at a time I can get a few things done without stressing myself out.
There have been a lot of questions on the FlyShow lately about how to encourage your DH to declutter his stuff or if it's okay to declutter his stuff for him. FlyLady almost always refers people to the website. There is a letter on there from her DH Robert. He explains why guys' clutter isn't really clutter to them. It's an interesting read. I have to say that I have not only encouraged David to declutter but have decluttered for him in the past. Lately though I've taken a step back and realized that it's his stuff and it's not really any of my business. He keeps it all pretty well contained so I can't really complain. Both of us have done lots of decluttering this past year. There was just so much stuff that we weren't ever going to use again. Robert says guys hold on to that kind of stuff to hold on to the illusion of youth, the illusion that 'some day' they will be that person again. I can see that with David. He's given up all of his camping stuff to Dyrk and it seems to have had an effect on him that I can't quite describe. You can tell he was saying goodbye to a part of his life, not just stuff. It was kind of sad. It's hard to live in the present. I think that we often are trying to harken back to our wonder years or looking forward to the golden years. We don't often just enjoy where we are today. I think that David and I are learning to live in the present a bit more each day. Maybe that just comes with age, I don't know.
I have a course to do online and I got a card in the mail today for it with a price of $16.95 instead of the $50 that another company wants for the same exact course. We can afford $17 a piece but the $50 each would have really put us in a tight spot. I'll look into it to make sure it's on the up and up.
Almost time to start on dinner. As I wrote earlier we're having a turkey dish tonight. There's eggplant in it so I hope I like it. If not, I'll have a bowl of cereal. :-) Off I go to start dinner.
Holidays: The Holiday Control Journal will be out in a couple of weeks. I'm definitely going to use it this holiday season. It will help me to stay focused and not go overboard. Last year I totally went overboard on spending for Christmas. Most of it was spent on families that were having financial hard times. I bought presents for 3 or 4 families. I enjoyed doing it but I certainly wasn't focused. I spent way more than I should have. This year we won't be able to afford any presents. We just don't have the money to buy presents or treats for the holidays. The holidays have become so commercial anyway. We can resolve not to spend much money but still enjoy the holidays. If it's not in the budget we can't spend money on it.
Blessing the house: It's so nice to have the house mostly organized. On a day like today, when I'm not feeling well, it is so much less stressful being able to look around and see the house looking good. If it were looking bad and I was feeling bad, I would feel even worse. But I know that with just 15 minutes at a time I can get a few things done without stressing myself out.
There have been a lot of questions on the FlyShow lately about how to encourage your DH to declutter his stuff or if it's okay to declutter his stuff for him. FlyLady almost always refers people to the website. There is a letter on there from her DH Robert. He explains why guys' clutter isn't really clutter to them. It's an interesting read. I have to say that I have not only encouraged David to declutter but have decluttered for him in the past. Lately though I've taken a step back and realized that it's his stuff and it's not really any of my business. He keeps it all pretty well contained so I can't really complain. Both of us have done lots of decluttering this past year. There was just so much stuff that we weren't ever going to use again. Robert says guys hold on to that kind of stuff to hold on to the illusion of youth, the illusion that 'some day' they will be that person again. I can see that with David. He's given up all of his camping stuff to Dyrk and it seems to have had an effect on him that I can't quite describe. You can tell he was saying goodbye to a part of his life, not just stuff. It was kind of sad. It's hard to live in the present. I think that we often are trying to harken back to our wonder years or looking forward to the golden years. We don't often just enjoy where we are today. I think that David and I are learning to live in the present a bit more each day. Maybe that just comes with age, I don't know.
I have a course to do online and I got a card in the mail today for it with a price of $16.95 instead of the $50 that another company wants for the same exact course. We can afford $17 a piece but the $50 each would have really put us in a tight spot. I'll look into it to make sure it's on the up and up.
Almost time to start on dinner. As I wrote earlier we're having a turkey dish tonight. There's eggplant in it so I hope I like it. If not, I'll have a bowl of cereal. :-) Off I go to start dinner.
I had an interesting lunch from the BCMM today. I had a veggie burger, mini pretzels, a tomato and a tangerine. I've never had a veggie burger before. It was okay. I can't remember the last time I had a tangerine (I'm sure I MUST have had one sometime). Overall it was good. The pretzels were a bit salty though. I need to see if I can get salt free or low sodium pretzels next time. These are so salty that I don't know that I'll eat anymore of them. Hate to waste them, but the salt is just too much.
I haven't had as much water as I should in the last couple of days. I think that's why I have a headache and I'm fatigued. I'm going to try to get some water in me this afternoon and evening.
I guess I should try to do a couple things (empty the laundry basket, empty the dryer, clean my bathroom floor). I think I'll feel better if I get a few things done today. Update in a few minutes.
Update: I emptied the laundry basket (put everything away): I emptied the dryer, folded everything and put it away (the only laundry there is now is a little bit in the hamper); I also cleaned the bathroom floor (it's looks so much nicer now). Off to S&S DH's bathroom
Got that done.
Now time for a bit more relaxation (AND WATER!).
I haven't had as much water as I should in the last couple of days. I think that's why I have a headache and I'm fatigued. I'm going to try to get some water in me this afternoon and evening.
I guess I should try to do a couple things (empty the laundry basket, empty the dryer, clean my bathroom floor). I think I'll feel better if I get a few things done today. Update in a few minutes.
Update: I emptied the laundry basket (put everything away): I emptied the dryer, folded everything and put it away (the only laundry there is now is a little bit in the hamper); I also cleaned the bathroom floor (it's looks so much nicer now). Off to S&S DH's bathroom
Got that done.
Now time for a bit more relaxation (AND WATER!).
Radio Show recaps
I've heard from MJ, Patricia, Bonnie and Terry about the get together on Sunday. MJ and Bonnie are on the list. Patricia and Terry are going to try to be there (and may each bring a friend). MJ will be bringing her DH. I'm going to bring my DH. So it should be a nice little get together.
I went back and listened to the FlyShow's from 8/16, 9/6, 9/13 and 9/20 (the ones where I called in to discuss Body Clutter). Here's a synopsis of my calls for each show:
8/16/2007 Segment 4 (World Talk Radio): I told Leanne and Leslie that I am a picky eater and I'm not exercising. Leanne suggested that I try new foods, download the BCMM, eat my vegatables, swap out foods I don't like (like chicken for fish), eat frequent, smaller meals 5-6 times a day, watch serving sizes, exercise each day, get a good pair of walking shoes, drink lots of water, drink a 1/2 bottle of water before meals to suppress my appetite, have a smoothie for breakfast, eat half of what's on the plate, except veggies - eat them all, eat at least one raw thing or a salad every day, invest in a good, powerful blender, get the smoothie recipe from, feel good about who I am today.
I signed up for the BCMM.
I bought some new foods (eggplant, salmon)
I already eat my vegatables, put I'm adding in more veggies
I started eating more frequent, smaller meals
I'm watching serving sizes
I started walking a mile+ a day
I already have a good pair of walking shoes
I'm drinking more water
I'm eating at least one raw fruit or veggie every day
I bought a Kitchen Aid blender (very nice!)
I emailed and requested the smoothie recipe
9/6/2007 10 min, 15 sec (Blog Talk Radio): called back to follow up on BC issues; I told Marla and Leanne that I'm walking each day (1.2 miles/day), losing BC, I'd signed up for the BCMM and I have been drinking more water
Leanne suggested that I make the BCMM soup recipe each week, it can be used for a make up day (had too much the day before); it's all about balance
Marla said that my grocery bill will go down using the BCMM (instead of shopping every day)
I told them that I'm trying foods that I had never tried before
Leanne said that eating better would make my skin look bettter, reduce belly fat; my taste for processed foods will decrease as I eat better foods
Leanne told me to call in every week to check in; Marla said it would hold me accountable
They told me to download the Body Clutter Investigator and start tracking what I'm eating, doing
9/13/2007 1:43:33 (BTR): weekly call on BC; they asked how I was doing this week and I told them that I struggling, I'm good with preparation, not so good with follow through; is it my perfectionism? Leanne asked for an example of my preparation/follow through problem: I bought the blender, ingredients and got the recipe for the breakfast smoothie but I hadn't made the smoothie because I didn't want to hassle with cleaning the blender (Leanne said: 'oh well'); I was trying to get ready 'perfectly'; Leanne said that I have my tools, now it's time to dig in
have a smoothe every morning (I am)
put the BCI in the CJ; helps chart progress (no shaming, no perfectionism) (doing this)
put a calendar over the bathroom scale so I can write my daily weight on it (doing this)
jump in and start doing it (Marla)
think of how I can incorporate these things into my morning routine (thought about it)
breakfast = smoothie
make the soup weekly (not doing it yet)
incorporate little changes (doing this)
clean the blender with hot water and soap blended around; let it air dry (doing this)
I thanked Leanne for putting me in her newsletter, I am honored
Marla said I'm an example to other flybabies
journal about issues (I'm doing this blog)
I told them I wasn't going to call in this day because I didn't have good things to say; Marlas said that if it's happening to me it's happening to other people too; They both said they are proud of me
After the call Marla said that it took a lot for me to call in and that I killed some perfectionism by calling in
9/20/2007 34:23 (BTR): Marla talked about how she moved her workout time to the evening because that's what works for her (it wasn't fitting into her morning routine, it was like trying to fit a round peg into a square hole), doing it in the evening was fitting her routine
They talked about doing interval training (Jonathan Roche/; being fit is for living not for an event
My Call:
they asked how my week was going and I told them that I had a 'wonderful week', I've continuted walking, I've started drinking smoothies for breakfast (Leanne called them 'total sin in a glass), I'm using the BCI (awareness), and my BC is going down.
I was trying to fit my routine into the routine that Marla sends to us in email; I finally figured out my own routine, perfectionism made me try to do each email 'perfectly'; Marla said that emails were just reminders, checklist
I told Leanne that I was honored to be in the newsletter; Leanne called me the 'Weekly Gal' and told me to call in every week
They asked me if I was using soap to clean the blender - YES! because I was fitting it into my routine; they told me to adjust/adapt to fit things into my lifestyle; mold the routines around my lifestyle
They asked if I was going to attend the FlyFest in Brevard. I told them that unfortunately I was not able to attend but that I was getting together this weekend with other flybabies; Marla said to give everyone a hug from her and Leanne
After the call, Leanne said "I love her calls. They are so encouraging"
During Taylor's call (56:45) they said that like Samantha she should see how routine fits for you and your lifestyle
Even though I'm not feeling great today I still went for my walk and had a smoothie for breakfast. I'm feeling very tired today and need to take it easy. No get together at Lisa's today because she's not feeling good and needs to save her voice for a gig tonight (Brian Fenimore conference). I miss visiting with her and I also miss having scones, but she really needs to rest today. We won't be meeting on Sunday, so I probably won't see her until the beginning of next week. Sunday is the afternoon get together with other Flybabies so that will fill the day.
I wish I felt better today, but since I don't I'm going to take care of myself and not try to overdo it.
I'm using the BCMM and we'll be having Turkey Ratatoille (sp?) for dinner (which includes eggplant ~yikes~ I hope I like it).
Lunch time. I'm going to check the BCMM to see what the options are for lunch. Later.
I went back and listened to the FlyShow's from 8/16, 9/6, 9/13 and 9/20 (the ones where I called in to discuss Body Clutter). Here's a synopsis of my calls for each show:
8/16/2007 Segment 4 (World Talk Radio): I told Leanne and Leslie that I am a picky eater and I'm not exercising. Leanne suggested that I try new foods, download the BCMM, eat my vegatables, swap out foods I don't like (like chicken for fish), eat frequent, smaller meals 5-6 times a day, watch serving sizes, exercise each day, get a good pair of walking shoes, drink lots of water, drink a 1/2 bottle of water before meals to suppress my appetite, have a smoothie for breakfast, eat half of what's on the plate, except veggies - eat them all, eat at least one raw thing or a salad every day, invest in a good, powerful blender, get the smoothie recipe from, feel good about who I am today.
I signed up for the BCMM.
I bought some new foods (eggplant, salmon)
I already eat my vegatables, put I'm adding in more veggies
I started eating more frequent, smaller meals
I'm watching serving sizes
I started walking a mile+ a day
I already have a good pair of walking shoes
I'm drinking more water
I'm eating at least one raw fruit or veggie every day
I bought a Kitchen Aid blender (very nice!)
I emailed and requested the smoothie recipe
9/6/2007 10 min, 15 sec (Blog Talk Radio): called back to follow up on BC issues; I told Marla and Leanne that I'm walking each day (1.2 miles/day), losing BC, I'd signed up for the BCMM and I have been drinking more water
Leanne suggested that I make the BCMM soup recipe each week, it can be used for a make up day (had too much the day before); it's all about balance
Marla said that my grocery bill will go down using the BCMM (instead of shopping every day)
I told them that I'm trying foods that I had never tried before
Leanne said that eating better would make my skin look bettter, reduce belly fat; my taste for processed foods will decrease as I eat better foods
Leanne told me to call in every week to check in; Marla said it would hold me accountable
They told me to download the Body Clutter Investigator and start tracking what I'm eating, doing
9/13/2007 1:43:33 (BTR): weekly call on BC; they asked how I was doing this week and I told them that I struggling, I'm good with preparation, not so good with follow through; is it my perfectionism? Leanne asked for an example of my preparation/follow through problem: I bought the blender, ingredients and got the recipe for the breakfast smoothie but I hadn't made the smoothie because I didn't want to hassle with cleaning the blender (Leanne said: 'oh well'); I was trying to get ready 'perfectly'; Leanne said that I have my tools, now it's time to dig in
have a smoothe every morning (I am)
put the BCI in the CJ; helps chart progress (no shaming, no perfectionism) (doing this)
put a calendar over the bathroom scale so I can write my daily weight on it (doing this)
jump in and start doing it (Marla)
think of how I can incorporate these things into my morning routine (thought about it)
breakfast = smoothie
make the soup weekly (not doing it yet)
incorporate little changes (doing this)
clean the blender with hot water and soap blended around; let it air dry (doing this)
I thanked Leanne for putting me in her newsletter, I am honored
Marla said I'm an example to other flybabies
journal about issues (I'm doing this blog)
I told them I wasn't going to call in this day because I didn't have good things to say; Marlas said that if it's happening to me it's happening to other people too; They both said they are proud of me
After the call Marla said that it took a lot for me to call in and that I killed some perfectionism by calling in
9/20/2007 34:23 (BTR): Marla talked about how she moved her workout time to the evening because that's what works for her (it wasn't fitting into her morning routine, it was like trying to fit a round peg into a square hole), doing it in the evening was fitting her routine
They talked about doing interval training (Jonathan Roche/; being fit is for living not for an event
My Call:
they asked how my week was going and I told them that I had a 'wonderful week', I've continuted walking, I've started drinking smoothies for breakfast (Leanne called them 'total sin in a glass), I'm using the BCI (awareness), and my BC is going down.
I was trying to fit my routine into the routine that Marla sends to us in email; I finally figured out my own routine, perfectionism made me try to do each email 'perfectly'; Marla said that emails were just reminders, checklist
I told Leanne that I was honored to be in the newsletter; Leanne called me the 'Weekly Gal' and told me to call in every week
They asked me if I was using soap to clean the blender - YES! because I was fitting it into my routine; they told me to adjust/adapt to fit things into my lifestyle; mold the routines around my lifestyle
They asked if I was going to attend the FlyFest in Brevard. I told them that unfortunately I was not able to attend but that I was getting together this weekend with other flybabies; Marla said to give everyone a hug from her and Leanne
After the call, Leanne said "I love her calls. They are so encouraging"
During Taylor's call (56:45) they said that like Samantha she should see how routine fits for you and your lifestyle
Even though I'm not feeling great today I still went for my walk and had a smoothie for breakfast. I'm feeling very tired today and need to take it easy. No get together at Lisa's today because she's not feeling good and needs to save her voice for a gig tonight (Brian Fenimore conference). I miss visiting with her and I also miss having scones, but she really needs to rest today. We won't be meeting on Sunday, so I probably won't see her until the beginning of next week. Sunday is the afternoon get together with other Flybabies so that will fill the day.
I wish I felt better today, but since I don't I'm going to take care of myself and not try to overdo it.
I'm using the BCMM and we'll be having Turkey Ratatoille (sp?) for dinner (which includes eggplant ~yikes~ I hope I like it).
Lunch time. I'm going to check the BCMM to see what the options are for lunch. Later.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Emotional body clutter
Brad called tonight. We told him that he needs to take care of stuff back there and then we can talk about what's next. I think he was bummed out that we didn't say yes, and I can't blame him. ~sigh~ I want nothing more than to make things all better for him, but it's not the right thing to do. We told him to check in with his PO and then try to let us know what happens. I'm really sad that I can't do more for him right now. I know that he's just wanting a home with food and a shower but I can't let him come out here if he's still in trouble out there. I told him how much I love him and that I am here for him even though I can't do anything until he gets stuff straightened out in Mass.
I've heard from a couple people now about Sunday. It looks like it will work out. Even if just one other person shows up, I'll be there.
I'm having a hard time doing my evening routine tonight. I'm still tired from doing the grocery shopping. I guess I should get up and just do it.
I've still got to listen to today's FlyShow to hear the parts that I missed. And I'm definitely going back to the previous shows to see what I had to say and what suggestions Marla and Leanne had. I really do enjoy calling in to the show. It's a great way so stay accountable, mostly to myself.
Okay, I'm getting up now and I'm going to go do my evening routine. See you tomorrow.
I've heard from a couple people now about Sunday. It looks like it will work out. Even if just one other person shows up, I'll be there.
I'm having a hard time doing my evening routine tonight. I'm still tired from doing the grocery shopping. I guess I should get up and just do it.
I've still got to listen to today's FlyShow to hear the parts that I missed. And I'm definitely going back to the previous shows to see what I had to say and what suggestions Marla and Leanne had. I really do enjoy calling in to the show. It's a great way so stay accountable, mostly to myself.
Okay, I'm getting up now and I'm going to go do my evening routine. See you tomorrow.
Grocery shopping
I just got back from doing the grocery shopping. It took me about 1 1/2 hours and I spent about $125.00. I used the Body Clutter Menu Mailer shopping list. It makes it so much easier to go shopping knowing exactly what I need. It does take me a while but that's because I have to go fairly slow to make it to the end. Now I'm so tired that I can't even think of making dinner. So I'll probably give David leftover turkey/rice/broccolli and a salad. I think I'm going to have some cereal. I haven't had any in about a week. That's a LONG time for me. lol
I'm thinking that I need to do the shopping earlier in the day though, so that I'm not so beat by the time dinner comes around. I just wasn't sure if I could go grocery shopping today (finances) but it turned out that I could because I got a check in the mail from my sister. Woohoo! Anyway, I saved 12% on my grocery bill today. I think that the food will last for a week and a half to two weeks instead of just one week. I don't see myself making a big dinner every night. Sometimes I'm just not up to it and need to do something easy, like salad.
It does feel good to have healthy food in the house. Even if I need a snack, I have healthy one's to choose from. This week I'm going to make the soup too. I haven't done that yet. Taking babysteps. That's the best way to do it. I'd be overwhelmed if I made myself do it ALL right now.
I also need to remember to put on my 'good' sneakers when I go shopping. I wore my sneaker flats and they don't provide near enough support. My left foot especially is hurting me now.
I did forget to get one thing: TOILET PAPER! Nothing says I love you like enough toilet paper (that's what FlyLady says lol). I'll pick that up tomorrow.
There are a few things that I haven't had before that are on the menu this coming week (such as eggplant - I chickened out on having it a couple of weeks ago ~sigh~). I didn't think I'd like the smoothies, but I love those, so maybe there is hope for eggplant.
It's weird to go grocery shopping and not have an overfull cart. I don't buy much in boxes (prepared foods) anymore. It's mostly produce. I feel so much better as I'm checking out knowing that what I'm buying is good for me. And it's making a difference in my body clutter - it continues to go down.
I need to go back and listen to previous episodes of The FlyShow to see if I'm following the suggestions that Marla and Leanne have had for me or if there are things that just don't make sense in my routines. I know that I'm walking, drinking smoothies, using the Body Clutter Investigator and the Body Clutter Menu Mailer. I'm sure they've had some other suggestions but those are the ones that stick out in my mind and that I've been able to add to my routine.
The email I sent out to the Colorado Springs FlyGroup was approved and sent out by Terry. I'm hoping that people will still want to get together even though we are going to meet at a restaurant instead. It could be a lot of fun.
FlyLady is going to be in Grand Junction, CO in October for an Eric Dodge concert. I don't know if she is speaking or not. It would be fun to go to see Eric perform though. Don't think I'll be able to make it though. Grand Junction is quite a ways from here. I'm still wishing I could go to the FlyFest. Oh well, maybe I can save up and go to the next one. Might even be able to get a local Flybaby to go with me so I don't have to travel alone.
Well, that's it for now. I'm going to rest for a while longer then start my evening routine. I'll write more later.
I'm thinking that I need to do the shopping earlier in the day though, so that I'm not so beat by the time dinner comes around. I just wasn't sure if I could go grocery shopping today (finances) but it turned out that I could because I got a check in the mail from my sister. Woohoo! Anyway, I saved 12% on my grocery bill today. I think that the food will last for a week and a half to two weeks instead of just one week. I don't see myself making a big dinner every night. Sometimes I'm just not up to it and need to do something easy, like salad.
It does feel good to have healthy food in the house. Even if I need a snack, I have healthy one's to choose from. This week I'm going to make the soup too. I haven't done that yet. Taking babysteps. That's the best way to do it. I'd be overwhelmed if I made myself do it ALL right now.
I also need to remember to put on my 'good' sneakers when I go shopping. I wore my sneaker flats and they don't provide near enough support. My left foot especially is hurting me now.
I did forget to get one thing: TOILET PAPER! Nothing says I love you like enough toilet paper (that's what FlyLady says lol). I'll pick that up tomorrow.
There are a few things that I haven't had before that are on the menu this coming week (such as eggplant - I chickened out on having it a couple of weeks ago ~sigh~). I didn't think I'd like the smoothies, but I love those, so maybe there is hope for eggplant.
It's weird to go grocery shopping and not have an overfull cart. I don't buy much in boxes (prepared foods) anymore. It's mostly produce. I feel so much better as I'm checking out knowing that what I'm buying is good for me. And it's making a difference in my body clutter - it continues to go down.
I need to go back and listen to previous episodes of The FlyShow to see if I'm following the suggestions that Marla and Leanne have had for me or if there are things that just don't make sense in my routines. I know that I'm walking, drinking smoothies, using the Body Clutter Investigator and the Body Clutter Menu Mailer. I'm sure they've had some other suggestions but those are the ones that stick out in my mind and that I've been able to add to my routine.
The email I sent out to the Colorado Springs FlyGroup was approved and sent out by Terry. I'm hoping that people will still want to get together even though we are going to meet at a restaurant instead. It could be a lot of fun.
FlyLady is going to be in Grand Junction, CO in October for an Eric Dodge concert. I don't know if she is speaking or not. It would be fun to go to see Eric perform though. Don't think I'll be able to make it though. Grand Junction is quite a ways from here. I'm still wishing I could go to the FlyFest. Oh well, maybe I can save up and go to the next one. Might even be able to get a local Flybaby to go with me so I don't have to travel alone.
Well, that's it for now. I'm going to rest for a while longer then start my evening routine. I'll write more later.
Many Fly Things
The FlyShow is over for this week. It'll come up on the archives within 30 minutes I believe. I had some difficulty with BTR today and so I'm anxious to go back and listen to the show again to hear what I missed.
I've put my daily routines in Excel so I can keep track of them. I have a paper copy in my control journal in case anyone needs to know what I do each day. Having the routines in Excel is great because I can tweak them at a moments notice. I think it will work really well for me to track my routines this way.
So far I've done everything on my daily routine list. That's not my goal though, to get everything done. I just want to use it as a guideline. If something doesn't get done, oh well. It will always come up again the next day. I am not behind. I can jump right in where I am. The nice thing about the list is that I have meals and snacks listed too along with water breaks. Now I'm actually getting these in each day because I have something to remind me.
There's been a change in plan for the get together this weekend. We don't have enough people to use the clubhouse, so I'm asking everyone if they want to get together at Panera Bread instead. I sure do want to meet some other FlyBabies. If this weekend doesn't work, then I'll try to meet with them individually. I've sent emails out to everyone so hopefully I'll hear back soon enough. I'm going to go to Panera on Sunday regardless. I'm going to have David drive over too. In case no other men show up, he can beat feet.
I've already had one email about me being on the FlyShow today. It was very encouraging. It's kind of neat to be on the FlyShow every week right now. I look forward to talking to the ladies. I do miss Jeff though. He has a lot to offer the show. Hope he comes back one day.
Gosh, I wish I could go to the FlyFest in Brevard. I can't imagine how much fun it would be to meet so many Flybabies and to meet Marla and Leanne too.
I've got the archives up now. I'm going to listen to today's show. Off I go!
I've put my daily routines in Excel so I can keep track of them. I have a paper copy in my control journal in case anyone needs to know what I do each day. Having the routines in Excel is great because I can tweak them at a moments notice. I think it will work really well for me to track my routines this way.
So far I've done everything on my daily routine list. That's not my goal though, to get everything done. I just want to use it as a guideline. If something doesn't get done, oh well. It will always come up again the next day. I am not behind. I can jump right in where I am. The nice thing about the list is that I have meals and snacks listed too along with water breaks. Now I'm actually getting these in each day because I have something to remind me.
There's been a change in plan for the get together this weekend. We don't have enough people to use the clubhouse, so I'm asking everyone if they want to get together at Panera Bread instead. I sure do want to meet some other FlyBabies. If this weekend doesn't work, then I'll try to meet with them individually. I've sent emails out to everyone so hopefully I'll hear back soon enough. I'm going to go to Panera on Sunday regardless. I'm going to have David drive over too. In case no other men show up, he can beat feet.
I've already had one email about me being on the FlyShow today. It was very encouraging. It's kind of neat to be on the FlyShow every week right now. I look forward to talking to the ladies. I do miss Jeff though. He has a lot to offer the show. Hope he comes back one day.
Gosh, I wish I could go to the FlyFest in Brevard. I can't imagine how much fun it would be to meet so many Flybabies and to meet Marla and Leanne too.
I've got the archives up now. I'm going to listen to today's show. Off I go!
On the radio, whoa oh oh
I called into the FlyShow today. I updated the ladies on my Body Clutter Adventures. I told them that I'm walking, drinking my smoothie for breakfast and using the Body Clutter Investigator. Marla asked me if I was washing out the blender with soap and water and I told her I was and that it was so much easier than I thought it would be. Leanne asked if I was enjoying the smoothie. I told her it was delicious. She called it 'sin in a glass' lol.
Mission Time: reboot the laundry / laundry folded and put away
I mentioned to Marla, that like her, I finally figured out that my routine has to be MY routine. And once I did that I was able to add in walking, the smoothie and the other things that I want to add in (Zone Work, etc.). It goes much easier with it being my usual daily routine instead of trying to do the sample routine that Marla sends to us. I was trying to do the routine sent to me perfectly (yeesh!) instead of figuring out what it is that I actually do each day. It's no surprise that the sample routine wasn't working for me. As Leanne said, I was trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. The square peg can fit into a round hole once it is adapted to fit it. And that's the thing with the routine. As soon as I adapted it to fit me, it really worked.
They asked if I was going to the FlyFest in Brevard. I told them that I wasn't able to get there this time, but this weekend I was getting together with other local Flybabies. Marla told me to give the other Flybabies a hug from her. I really wish I could get to the FlyFest. It would be so much fun.
Leanne told me again that she'd like me to call in every week. It's certainly an encouragement to me to get my franny in gear knowing that I'll be calling in the following week. It's nice to have the support of Marla and Leanne and the other Flybabies.
Marla said that at some point I need to get hooked up with Leslie (Missus Smarty Pants) so I can start looking good too. I'm already feeling a whole lot better, it would be nice to look better too.
Leanne also mentioned me during another call. That was pretty neat.
I've been able to get a lot done today. I've taken a break for the FlyShow, but I've still been able to do many things on my daily routine list. I feel very positive.
Mission Time: reboot the laundry / laundry folded and put away
I mentioned to Marla, that like her, I finally figured out that my routine has to be MY routine. And once I did that I was able to add in walking, the smoothie and the other things that I want to add in (Zone Work, etc.). It goes much easier with it being my usual daily routine instead of trying to do the sample routine that Marla sends to us. I was trying to do the routine sent to me perfectly (yeesh!) instead of figuring out what it is that I actually do each day. It's no surprise that the sample routine wasn't working for me. As Leanne said, I was trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. The square peg can fit into a round hole once it is adapted to fit it. And that's the thing with the routine. As soon as I adapted it to fit me, it really worked.
They asked if I was going to the FlyFest in Brevard. I told them that I wasn't able to get there this time, but this weekend I was getting together with other local Flybabies. Marla told me to give the other Flybabies a hug from her. I really wish I could get to the FlyFest. It would be so much fun.
Leanne told me again that she'd like me to call in every week. It's certainly an encouragement to me to get my franny in gear knowing that I'll be calling in the following week. It's nice to have the support of Marla and Leanne and the other Flybabies.
Marla said that at some point I need to get hooked up with Leslie (Missus Smarty Pants) so I can start looking good too. I'm already feeling a whole lot better, it would be nice to look better too.
Leanne also mentioned me during another call. That was pretty neat.
I've been able to get a lot done today. I've taken a break for the FlyShow, but I've still been able to do many things on my daily routine list. I feel very positive.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Up and going
I was able to get logged on to Blog Talk Radio. Woohoo! I'm registered and ready to go for tomorrow. I sure do look forward to the show every week.
The Dinner Diva writes about me...
Leanne sent out an email about Body Clutter and she mentioned me! Here's what she wrote:
"Last week on our radio show (The FLY Show-FlyLady, Leanne and You), we had a repeat call from Samantha who has been battling her body clutter. Samantha was giving us her progress report on how she was doing. She is so excited about the new, healthy foods she's eating and the movement (exercise) she's created room for in her life. She's kept it simple, she's babystepping for sure, but she's seeing progress and that in turn, has made her positively joyful.
That's the key-joy. Instead of having the all or nothing attitude and eating a regimented "diet" and taking exercise to an Olympic athlete's level on the first week, she made a decision to start incorporating little things into her life, like smaller, more frequent meals (she's not starving anymore) and walking (she is up to a 1 1/2 miles a day!). She's doing things that aren't hard and don't demand a 100%, about face, lifestyle change today. She's added healthy habits to her daily routine and the result has been an improved self-esteem, joy in her accomplishment and not surprisingly, a drop in body clutter."
"4) Move It Ladies! I don't care what you do, how you do it, how long you do it for, but you gotta move. Samantha started walking outside of her house for 5 minutes and then had to get back, so she started with 10 minutes of walking. The key again is just starting. Don't worry about the weather-if it's too hot, rainy, cold or whatever, just march in place while watching TV at commercial time-it will add up! There is a way to get moving, just do it!"
Pretty cool, huh? I am honored that she mentioned me in an email that she sent out to all of her subscribers. I'm hoping to call in tomorrow, but I haven't been able to log on to BTR this week. :-( I really want to let Leanne and Marla know that I am walking each day and drinking my protein smoothie for breakfast, along with using the body clutter investigator each day. I also want to let them know that I have finally figured out my daily routines and I indeed had to add the walk and smoothie into the daily routine to get them accomplished.
I am taking babysteps. I am not pushing myself to make every change, right now. I'd just be setting myself up to fail if I did that.
"Last week on our radio show (The FLY Show-FlyLady, Leanne and You), we had a repeat call from Samantha who has been battling her body clutter. Samantha was giving us her progress report on how she was doing. She is so excited about the new, healthy foods she's eating and the movement (exercise) she's created room for in her life. She's kept it simple, she's babystepping for sure, but she's seeing progress and that in turn, has made her positively joyful.
That's the key-joy. Instead of having the all or nothing attitude and eating a regimented "diet" and taking exercise to an Olympic athlete's level on the first week, she made a decision to start incorporating little things into her life, like smaller, more frequent meals (she's not starving anymore) and walking (she is up to a 1 1/2 miles a day!). She's doing things that aren't hard and don't demand a 100%, about face, lifestyle change today. She's added healthy habits to her daily routine and the result has been an improved self-esteem, joy in her accomplishment and not surprisingly, a drop in body clutter."
"4) Move It Ladies! I don't care what you do, how you do it, how long you do it for, but you gotta move. Samantha started walking outside of her house for 5 minutes and then had to get back, so she started with 10 minutes of walking. The key again is just starting. Don't worry about the weather-if it's too hot, rainy, cold or whatever, just march in place while watching TV at commercial time-it will add up! There is a way to get moving, just do it!"
Pretty cool, huh? I am honored that she mentioned me in an email that she sent out to all of her subscribers. I'm hoping to call in tomorrow, but I haven't been able to log on to BTR this week. :-( I really want to let Leanne and Marla know that I am walking each day and drinking my protein smoothie for breakfast, along with using the body clutter investigator each day. I also want to let them know that I have finally figured out my daily routines and I indeed had to add the walk and smoothie into the daily routine to get them accomplished.
I am taking babysteps. I am not pushing myself to make every change, right now. I'd just be setting myself up to fail if I did that.
Productive day
I had a really good day today. I didn't do everything on my daily routine list, but I'm okay with that. Here's what I got done:
* got up, made the bed
* let the dogs out, fed and watered the dogs, let the dogs in, gave the dogs their meds
* flipped the calendar
* weighed, brushed my teeth, checked the calendar
* got dressed for walking
* did my 1 mile walk
* rested for 15 minutes
* showered
* made and drank protein smoothie
* started laundry
* did my bible study
* went to bible study
* cooked dinner
* cleaned the kitchen, shined the sink
* updated forum and blogs
* time for me
It was quite a productive day. And I'll top it off with finishing my evening routine and getting to bed at a decent hour.
* got up, made the bed
* let the dogs out, fed and watered the dogs, let the dogs in, gave the dogs their meds
* flipped the calendar
* weighed, brushed my teeth, checked the calendar
* got dressed for walking
* did my 1 mile walk
* rested for 15 minutes
* showered
* made and drank protein smoothie
* started laundry
* did my bible study
* went to bible study
* cooked dinner
* cleaned the kitchen, shined the sink
* updated forum and blogs
* time for me
It was quite a productive day. And I'll top it off with finishing my evening routine and getting to bed at a decent hour.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Good thing I looked
Finances: I went through the bills and what I had on the calendar. It's a good thing that I looked because there were a couple of things I had forgot about. I'll need to update Money every day and then update the calendar. I guess it's just a different way to keep a 'check book'. At least I'm FACEing the finances and not letting them go because I'm afraid to know what's going on.
Doing the right thing
Finances: I decided to not wait for the account balance to go negative, so I took our jar of change to the credit union and deposited it into the checking account. There was quite a bit in there. More than enough to cover the account until my pay goes in there tomorrow. I'm going to sit down with the calendar and see if I can figure out how to track the finances on it. I'll let you know how it goes.
Tomorrow is Anti-Procrastination Day. I think instead of picking out tasks from the AP basket that I've been putting off, I'm going to make it a 'do it now' APDay. If I don't procrastinate as much, then it will be a successful day. One of the things I'm going to really work on is getting my shower done earlier in the day instead of putting it off til lunch time or later. Everything else in my daily routine gets behind when I don't get the shower done right away so I need to get the shower done early. I also have bible study tomorrow, so I need to stop putting off doing my study and get that done too. I'm not going to crack the whip on myself, just try to encourage myself to do what needs to be done.
Ups and downs
Woohoo! I got my shower done and it's only a bit after noon time. I feel much better physically and mentally. It's nice to not have that hanging over my head. I also made my daily smoothie from Leanne's recipe. It's yummy! It has protein powder in it which gives me a real boost.
Kyle called. I think he's working on Brad's behalf and trying to talk me into letting Brad come out here if he can get things straightened out in Mass. This is emotional body clutter that I deal with. I feel guilty if I don't let him come out and yet I know that it won't work too well if he does come out. I don't know that he'd be able to get a job very easily and we can't afford another mouth to feed and another person to take care of with our finances where they are right now. I feel like we are his last hope and I would feel terrible having to say no to him. But right now he can't even think about coming out here until he straightens out the mess he's in back in Mass. I certainly am not going to put David and I in jeopardy just to bail Brad out again (and again and again!). At some point he's got to do this on his own and grow up in the process. If I keep fixing things for him, he'll never figure out how to take care of himself. I want to be supportive of him, but I don't know exactly how to do that without bailing him out.
Kyle said Brad looks terrible, like he hasn't showered in days. He also gave him some money so he could get something to eat since he hasn't eaten in days. That breaks my heart to know that he's not able to get just the basic necessities in life day to day. I know I could at least give him that - a place to live, a shower, food and people that love him. It makes it even harder to say no, knowing that he's not doing so well. What am I supposed to do? Tough love? Will that really work with Brad? He's been so depressed and I'm not sure what will put him over the edge. I don't want to be the reason that he does something terrible. This is so hard!
Lisa said that if I were having doubts and considering letting him come out here, that I should call her and she would talk me out of it. She knows we've tried this many times and it just doesn't work out. Brad always ends up gravitating to the same kind of lifestyle and wanting to go home because he's bored here. I'd like to think that he could get a job, get his GED, go to school, make some nice friends and turn things around. But he has no track record for that. This would be the 4th or 5th time he's come out here without a change of heart.
Grace just called me and asked if Kyle called me and what he had to say. I told her that Kyle called and said that Brad thought he might be able to come out here THIS WEEKEND! I told her that as much as I want to help him I just can't do it again. I don't think it's the right thing to do for Brad. Brad has got to get things straightened out in Mass before he even thinks of going anywhere else. He's got to show that he wants to go in a different direction with his life. Grace is going to talk to Kyle and call me back later. Kyle also said he would call me back later.
This is putting a lot of pressure on me. Kyle feels that Brad just can't take care of himself at this point and needs help. Maybe he does, but there is help for him in Mass. His probation officer will help him get things figured out and he can eat, shower and sleep at a shelter. I hate that for him, but it is a workable option. And I don't know how he thinks he's going to get out here this weekend. I certainly don't have the money to fly him out here. I'm broke. Any money I get needs to go to bills, groceries and gas. There's nothing left over. I just can't help him out right now.
I guess I need to talk to Brad and explain things to him. I don't want him getting angry at me or thinking that I don't want to help. I can't help. The best way I can help him right now is to point him in the direction of getting things straightened out in Mass and doing what will work, even if it's something that he really doesn't want to do (like the shelter).
I'm almost in tears here because I want to make things better for him and having him come out here might do that. He was successful out here. But then again he was having success at home until all this stuff happened and he got his head beat in with a baseball bat. I wish I knew the extent of his head injury. Maybe that's making it difficult for him right now. Maybe it's having an effect on him that we can't see. ~sigh~
How am I going to get him to listen to me without hurting his feelings or making him angry? I don't want him to turn away from me. I want to do what I can for him, even if it's very little compared to what I usually do. Will that be enough for him though? I remember when I had my head injury, which wasn't near as bad as his, and I struggled for a long time with emotions and figuring things out. It definitely changed me as a person. And I can't forget about his ADD. It's a pretty severe problem for him. It effects everything he does in life because he can't think things through.
If he would get things behind him in Mass, doing the right thing, if he would agree to go on medication for the ADD, if he would commit to getting a job and giving all of his money to me to handle (so he couldn't get into any trouble) then I might think about letting him come out here. But I'm sure he'd say that he would do whatever I want but once he got out here, he would do what he wants. I just don't want him around because of the foul language he uses. He's not willing to change that either. He just wants to get bailed out without changing anything himself. If he's not willing to help himself, if he's not willing to make some changes, then why should I put myself in the precarious postion of helping him?
I don't know for sure how David feels about all of this. I'm sure he feels like I do: he'd like to help him but he just can't (for lots of reasons).
If only Brad would not only agree to make some changes but to actually make them, then maybe there would be hope for him. But if he just continues down the path he is already on, then there really isn't anything that anyone can do for him.
I know that Kyle means well and is just trying to watch out for Brad. I know he wants the best for Brad. And I know he's not trying to get me to do something that he wouldn't do himself if he could. But I don't know that he truly understands the situation with Brad. Kyle told Grace that he thinks she'd not doing all she can to help Brad. That's gotta hurt Grace's feelings. She's done everything she can to help out Brad. You can only do so much when someone doesn't want to help themself.
I guess this saga will continue for quite some time. I don't want Brad to have to go back to jail, but it that's what it will take to get him back on track then I'm all for it. Winter is coming and he needs to find a place to stay so he's not walking the streets all the time. And he definitely needs a place where he can get consistent meals and showers. And it would be great if he could get medical and mental health care. I'm so worried about him doing something to himself because he's lost all hope.
What can I say to him to give him hope? God told me that regarding Brad it wouldn't look good (and it doesn't) but that He was always there for Brad. Do I think I can be more than God to Brad? I don't think so. I'm really going to have to pray about this and see what I should and shouldn't do. I love Brad as if he were my own. I want the best for him. But I won't do it at the expense of my life or my life with David.
Hopefully Kyle will talk to Brad today and get him to understand that he needs to turn himself in to his probation officer. That's the first thing he needs to do. He can't ask anything of anyone else if he doesn't ask something of himself first.
I pray that I will know that right thing to do for Brad. I pray that Brad will follow the path layed out before him, the path that will bring him success in his life. I pray that Brad will feel loved and be safe. I pray that my relationship with Brad and Brad's relationship with him mom will survive these trying times.
Kyle called. I think he's working on Brad's behalf and trying to talk me into letting Brad come out here if he can get things straightened out in Mass. This is emotional body clutter that I deal with. I feel guilty if I don't let him come out and yet I know that it won't work too well if he does come out. I don't know that he'd be able to get a job very easily and we can't afford another mouth to feed and another person to take care of with our finances where they are right now. I feel like we are his last hope and I would feel terrible having to say no to him. But right now he can't even think about coming out here until he straightens out the mess he's in back in Mass. I certainly am not going to put David and I in jeopardy just to bail Brad out again (and again and again!). At some point he's got to do this on his own and grow up in the process. If I keep fixing things for him, he'll never figure out how to take care of himself. I want to be supportive of him, but I don't know exactly how to do that without bailing him out.
Kyle said Brad looks terrible, like he hasn't showered in days. He also gave him some money so he could get something to eat since he hasn't eaten in days. That breaks my heart to know that he's not able to get just the basic necessities in life day to day. I know I could at least give him that - a place to live, a shower, food and people that love him. It makes it even harder to say no, knowing that he's not doing so well. What am I supposed to do? Tough love? Will that really work with Brad? He's been so depressed and I'm not sure what will put him over the edge. I don't want to be the reason that he does something terrible. This is so hard!
Lisa said that if I were having doubts and considering letting him come out here, that I should call her and she would talk me out of it. She knows we've tried this many times and it just doesn't work out. Brad always ends up gravitating to the same kind of lifestyle and wanting to go home because he's bored here. I'd like to think that he could get a job, get his GED, go to school, make some nice friends and turn things around. But he has no track record for that. This would be the 4th or 5th time he's come out here without a change of heart.
Grace just called me and asked if Kyle called me and what he had to say. I told her that Kyle called and said that Brad thought he might be able to come out here THIS WEEKEND! I told her that as much as I want to help him I just can't do it again. I don't think it's the right thing to do for Brad. Brad has got to get things straightened out in Mass before he even thinks of going anywhere else. He's got to show that he wants to go in a different direction with his life. Grace is going to talk to Kyle and call me back later. Kyle also said he would call me back later.
This is putting a lot of pressure on me. Kyle feels that Brad just can't take care of himself at this point and needs help. Maybe he does, but there is help for him in Mass. His probation officer will help him get things figured out and he can eat, shower and sleep at a shelter. I hate that for him, but it is a workable option. And I don't know how he thinks he's going to get out here this weekend. I certainly don't have the money to fly him out here. I'm broke. Any money I get needs to go to bills, groceries and gas. There's nothing left over. I just can't help him out right now.
I guess I need to talk to Brad and explain things to him. I don't want him getting angry at me or thinking that I don't want to help. I can't help. The best way I can help him right now is to point him in the direction of getting things straightened out in Mass and doing what will work, even if it's something that he really doesn't want to do (like the shelter).
I'm almost in tears here because I want to make things better for him and having him come out here might do that. He was successful out here. But then again he was having success at home until all this stuff happened and he got his head beat in with a baseball bat. I wish I knew the extent of his head injury. Maybe that's making it difficult for him right now. Maybe it's having an effect on him that we can't see. ~sigh~
How am I going to get him to listen to me without hurting his feelings or making him angry? I don't want him to turn away from me. I want to do what I can for him, even if it's very little compared to what I usually do. Will that be enough for him though? I remember when I had my head injury, which wasn't near as bad as his, and I struggled for a long time with emotions and figuring things out. It definitely changed me as a person. And I can't forget about his ADD. It's a pretty severe problem for him. It effects everything he does in life because he can't think things through.
If he would get things behind him in Mass, doing the right thing, if he would agree to go on medication for the ADD, if he would commit to getting a job and giving all of his money to me to handle (so he couldn't get into any trouble) then I might think about letting him come out here. But I'm sure he'd say that he would do whatever I want but once he got out here, he would do what he wants. I just don't want him around because of the foul language he uses. He's not willing to change that either. He just wants to get bailed out without changing anything himself. If he's not willing to help himself, if he's not willing to make some changes, then why should I put myself in the precarious postion of helping him?
I don't know for sure how David feels about all of this. I'm sure he feels like I do: he'd like to help him but he just can't (for lots of reasons).
If only Brad would not only agree to make some changes but to actually make them, then maybe there would be hope for him. But if he just continues down the path he is already on, then there really isn't anything that anyone can do for him.
I know that Kyle means well and is just trying to watch out for Brad. I know he wants the best for Brad. And I know he's not trying to get me to do something that he wouldn't do himself if he could. But I don't know that he truly understands the situation with Brad. Kyle told Grace that he thinks she'd not doing all she can to help Brad. That's gotta hurt Grace's feelings. She's done everything she can to help out Brad. You can only do so much when someone doesn't want to help themself.
I guess this saga will continue for quite some time. I don't want Brad to have to go back to jail, but it that's what it will take to get him back on track then I'm all for it. Winter is coming and he needs to find a place to stay so he's not walking the streets all the time. And he definitely needs a place where he can get consistent meals and showers. And it would be great if he could get medical and mental health care. I'm so worried about him doing something to himself because he's lost all hope.
What can I say to him to give him hope? God told me that regarding Brad it wouldn't look good (and it doesn't) but that He was always there for Brad. Do I think I can be more than God to Brad? I don't think so. I'm really going to have to pray about this and see what I should and shouldn't do. I love Brad as if he were my own. I want the best for him. But I won't do it at the expense of my life or my life with David.
Hopefully Kyle will talk to Brad today and get him to understand that he needs to turn himself in to his probation officer. That's the first thing he needs to do. He can't ask anything of anyone else if he doesn't ask something of himself first.
I pray that I will know that right thing to do for Brad. I pray that Brad will follow the path layed out before him, the path that will bring him success in his life. I pray that Brad will feel loved and be safe. I pray that my relationship with Brad and Brad's relationship with him mom will survive these trying times.
I've gotten off to a pretty good start this morning. Here's what I've done so far:
* got up
* made the bed
* let the dogs out
* fed and watered the dogs
* let the dogs in
* flipped the FlyLady Comfort Zone calendar
* brushed my teeth
* dressed to walk
* got my tape player, relaxation tape and gum to go walking
* went for a mile walk
* rested for 15 minutes; drank 8 oz of water
* gave the dogs their medicine
Routine: I got stuck at taking a shower. I've been sitting here napping off and on for two hours instead of showering and continuing my routine. I seem to have some kind of mental block about taking a shower. I don't know what the obstacle is. I just know that I dread taking a shower. Which is ironic because I love how I feel after I've taken a shower. It really helps me to relax and then get going on the rest of my daily routine. Where does the dread come from? I need to figure out how to make myself take a shower each day as soon as I'm done with my 15 minute break and drinking water after my walk. Instead I wait for hours to shower. I always get it done, but I end up wasting a lot of my day putting off doing it. I know part of the problem is the medicine I take in the morning for my back and neck pain. It makes me very sleepy and unmotivated. I'm not sure that I could walk without taking it, but by the time I get home, I'm more than ready for a nap. I guess I could try to go without it and see how I feel while walking. If I can get through the walk without it, I could get home and get some other things done before I take my meds and get sleepy. It stinks that I need the medicine to get through the day. I guess I could try getting through the day without it and see how I feel.
Body Clutter: I know I'll feel much better after I lose some more body clutter. I'm down about 16 pounds so far. It's coming off slowly. Much slower than I'd like it to come off. But then again, I'm used to losing weight fast (then putting it all back on again!). So losing it slowly is the way to go. It's the healthy way to do it.
Finances: I checked the online account today. I forgot that the dog food was being delivered today. So, I'm in the negative (again! ~sigh~). I get paid tomorrow though so there will be plenty of money in there to cover the negative ($11 or so) and take care of the other bills I have scheduled. I'm still trying to figure out how to use my FlyLady calendar to keep track of the finances instead of using a check book. It's easier if I see it every day instead of it being hidden away in a check book. Out of sight is out of mind for me. I'll get it figured out eventually. I know I can get it to work.
Zone Work: I haven't gotten much zone work done in the past. I'm trying to get it in my routine so it gets done. By looking at the house, I can tell that I'm not getting the zone work done. The floors need to be vacuumed and cleaned. Dusting needs to be done. Counters need to be wiped down. And bathrooms definitely need a good cleaning. I need to get it into my head that I can get this stuff done just working 15 minutes at a time. Zone work is fairly easy and quick, but I just keep putting it off. It's another thing where I have a mental block, where there is an obstacle that I can't see. I think that's why David said the other day that the house is filthy. It's not really filthy, it's just not as clean as it could be. I've seen filthy houses and mine isn't filthy. But it could benefit from some Zone work.
Am I the only one that struggles with these issues? Do other Flybabies have these or other obstacles too? I'm somewhat ashamed to admit all this stuff, but I want to be honest with myself and take responsibility for not only what I do, but for what I don't do too. If you're struggling at all, please leave a comment and let me know what you are struggling with. I sure would like to know I'm not in this alone.
It's 11:20am and I still haven't taken my shower. I'm getting sidetracked with this blog. I'm procrastinating because I don't want to do it. Yesterday I didn't shower until about 2:30pm! Yikes! I can't keep putting it off like that every day. I need to just get in there and get it done. Okay, I'm going to go and do it right now! Go Me!
* got up
* made the bed
* let the dogs out
* fed and watered the dogs
* let the dogs in
* flipped the FlyLady Comfort Zone calendar
* brushed my teeth
* dressed to walk
* got my tape player, relaxation tape and gum to go walking
* went for a mile walk
* rested for 15 minutes; drank 8 oz of water
* gave the dogs their medicine
Routine: I got stuck at taking a shower. I've been sitting here napping off and on for two hours instead of showering and continuing my routine. I seem to have some kind of mental block about taking a shower. I don't know what the obstacle is. I just know that I dread taking a shower. Which is ironic because I love how I feel after I've taken a shower. It really helps me to relax and then get going on the rest of my daily routine. Where does the dread come from? I need to figure out how to make myself take a shower each day as soon as I'm done with my 15 minute break and drinking water after my walk. Instead I wait for hours to shower. I always get it done, but I end up wasting a lot of my day putting off doing it. I know part of the problem is the medicine I take in the morning for my back and neck pain. It makes me very sleepy and unmotivated. I'm not sure that I could walk without taking it, but by the time I get home, I'm more than ready for a nap. I guess I could try to go without it and see how I feel while walking. If I can get through the walk without it, I could get home and get some other things done before I take my meds and get sleepy. It stinks that I need the medicine to get through the day. I guess I could try getting through the day without it and see how I feel.
Body Clutter: I know I'll feel much better after I lose some more body clutter. I'm down about 16 pounds so far. It's coming off slowly. Much slower than I'd like it to come off. But then again, I'm used to losing weight fast (then putting it all back on again!). So losing it slowly is the way to go. It's the healthy way to do it.
Finances: I checked the online account today. I forgot that the dog food was being delivered today. So, I'm in the negative (again! ~sigh~). I get paid tomorrow though so there will be plenty of money in there to cover the negative ($11 or so) and take care of the other bills I have scheduled. I'm still trying to figure out how to use my FlyLady calendar to keep track of the finances instead of using a check book. It's easier if I see it every day instead of it being hidden away in a check book. Out of sight is out of mind for me. I'll get it figured out eventually. I know I can get it to work.
Zone Work: I haven't gotten much zone work done in the past. I'm trying to get it in my routine so it gets done. By looking at the house, I can tell that I'm not getting the zone work done. The floors need to be vacuumed and cleaned. Dusting needs to be done. Counters need to be wiped down. And bathrooms definitely need a good cleaning. I need to get it into my head that I can get this stuff done just working 15 minutes at a time. Zone work is fairly easy and quick, but I just keep putting it off. It's another thing where I have a mental block, where there is an obstacle that I can't see. I think that's why David said the other day that the house is filthy. It's not really filthy, it's just not as clean as it could be. I've seen filthy houses and mine isn't filthy. But it could benefit from some Zone work.
Am I the only one that struggles with these issues? Do other Flybabies have these or other obstacles too? I'm somewhat ashamed to admit all this stuff, but I want to be honest with myself and take responsibility for not only what I do, but for what I don't do too. If you're struggling at all, please leave a comment and let me know what you are struggling with. I sure would like to know I'm not in this alone.
It's 11:20am and I still haven't taken my shower. I'm getting sidetracked with this blog. I'm procrastinating because I don't want to do it. Yesterday I didn't shower until about 2:30pm! Yikes! I can't keep putting it off like that every day. I need to just get in there and get it done. Okay, I'm going to go and do it right now! Go Me!
Monday, September 17, 2007
New bin
I bought a clear plastic filing bin for the finances/mail. It has five slots. I'm using it this way:
* incoming mail/coupons/checkbook/calculator
* things to be done (read, call, fill out, etc.)
* bills to be paid/paid bills/budget
* pay stubs/2007 tax paperwork
* stamps/envelopes/return address labels/note cards/control journal
Here's what it looks like:

It's so much better for me to be able to see what's in there and know that there IS something in there. When I used hanging folders I didn't see what was in there so I sometimes forgot about it. I think this will work better for me.
Daily Routines
I did make a list of what I actually do each day and realized that I already have a daily set of routines. Before I was trying to follow routines that basically I had made up based on other peoples routines. Once I figured out that I really do have a routine, it was much easier to add in some of the things that FlyLady suggests (decluttering for 15 minutes, Zone work, etc.). Here's what my daily routine looks like:
* get up
* let the dogs out
* feed and water the dogs
* let the dogs in
* flip the FlyLady Comfort Zone calendar
* weigh; take meds with water
* dress for walk
* get tape/CD player for walk
* walk 1 mile
* 15 minute break; drink water
* give dogs meds
* shower
* dress to the lace up shoes
* start/reboot laundry
* empty/reload dishwasher
* 15 minute break; breakfast (try to have a smoothie)
* declutter for 15 minutes
* Zone Work
* 5 minute room rescue
* hot spot fire drill
* 15 minute break; drink water; snack
* think about what's for dinner (check Body Clutter Menu Mailer)
* 15 minute break; drink water; lunch
* time for me/pamper mission/nap
* 15 minute break; drink water; dinner
* clean the kitchen; shine the sink
* open/trash/shred mail; go through financial/mail bin
* update blogs, forum
* brush my teeth
* lay out clothes for next day
* take meds with water
* go to bed at a decent hour
I don't have to do every single thing on the list every day. This is just my guideline. I am not going to lock myself in to 'checking off every item on the list'. I'm going to use the list to help me to stay focused.
* get up
* let the dogs out
* feed and water the dogs
* let the dogs in
* flip the FlyLady Comfort Zone calendar
* weigh; take meds with water
* dress for walk
* get tape/CD player for walk
* walk 1 mile
* 15 minute break; drink water
* give dogs meds
* shower
* dress to the lace up shoes
* start/reboot laundry
* empty/reload dishwasher
* 15 minute break; breakfast (try to have a smoothie)
* declutter for 15 minutes
* Zone Work
* 5 minute room rescue
* hot spot fire drill
* 15 minute break; drink water; snack
* think about what's for dinner (check Body Clutter Menu Mailer)
* 15 minute break; drink water; lunch
* time for me/pamper mission/nap
* 15 minute break; drink water; dinner
* clean the kitchen; shine the sink
* open/trash/shred mail; go through financial/mail bin
* update blogs, forum
* brush my teeth
* lay out clothes for next day
* take meds with water
* go to bed at a decent hour
I don't have to do every single thing on the list every day. This is just my guideline. I am not going to lock myself in to 'checking off every item on the list'. I'm going to use the list to help me to stay focused.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Getting things done
I seem to do a lot better at getting things done late in the evening (when I should be going to bed ~lol~). Here's what I've accomplished tonight:
* emptied and reloaded the dishwasher; started the new load of dishes washing
* hung up the clothes that were in the dryer
* rewashed the clothes in the washer; currently they are in the dryer
* cleaned up the kitchen (counters, stove top, etc.)
* shined the sink
* installed the new DVD player with DH
* organized the financial/mail bin
* paid bills; brought finances up to date
* sorted through the plastic containers (tupperware) and filled a trash bag half full with stuff I'm going to donate; I organized the remaining containers
I feel a lot better about starting the day tomorrow because of all I got done tonight. It's so nice to wake up to a clean kitchen. It does make me smile.
Finances: I put the bills to be paid on the calendar, and that will work, but I need to list them differently. I put them on the day that they were due and that makes it too hard to figure out what the balance is each day. So I think what I'll do is put them on the days they are due but also keep track each day of what bills are being paid and what the account balance is. Does that make sense? I think it will work, but I'll have to try it out for a while. I need to see when I can fit in a BCMM shopping trip.
Body Clutter Investigator: I'm going to start using the body clutter investigator tomorrow. I need to see why I'm not losing much more weight. I'm sure it's because I'm not drinking enough water and because I'm eating too many carbs. I also didn't walk much this week. Back on track tomorrow though.
Body Clutter #: my best # this week was 255.4
Here's what the kitchen looks like tonight. Go Me!

And it all starts and ends with a Shiny Sink!

There's always tomorrow
I have really struggled this week to keep up with the house and everything else. I was sidetracked by fatigue, a huge financial project and not feeling well. Routines were anything but. When I look back over the week it's just a blur. I know I did get some things done and it's those things I want to concentrate on. But I do need to be realistic about what didn't get done too.
* I walked at least one morning this past week (I can't remember if I got out there other times)
* I got the blender out and made a protein smoothie for breakfast after my walk
* I finished that HUGE financial project
* I took care of myself when I wasn't feeling well
* I took time to visit with friends
* I started laundry
* I got a load of dishes done
As I look around, these are the things that need to be done:
* clean off the counters in the kitchen
* empty and reload the dishwasher
* plan meals, prepare grocery list (Body Clutter Menu Mailer)
* get new, clear plastic finance/mail bin organized
* vacuum
* install new DVD player that the boys sent David for his birthday (it was last month, but we just got the DVD player this week)
* dusting
* bathrooms
* declutter, prettyfythe office and guest room
* finish up the master bedroom (paint trim, hang stuff, make the bed, etc.)
* get the laundry done
* shine the sink
When I look at that list of things to be done, I don't feel overwhelmed because I know that I only need to spend 15 minutes or less on each task and the house will feel better, which means that I'll feel better.
Body Clutter: I haven't been using the BCMM because of finances (haven't been able to go grocery shopping). I need to figure out how I can get that into the plan this week. I also walked at least once this week and I did make a delicious smoothie for breakfast on the one day that I did walk. And I cleaned the blender right after I used it too! (thanks for getting me off my franny Marla and Leanne) I weighed myself a couple times this week. I've gone down a couple of pounds. Go Me! I downloaded the Body Clutter Investigator and put it in my control journal. I'm thinking of making one page for each week instead of a page a day and hanging it on the fridge. I'll have to see if either of those things will work for me. I realize that I'm eating way too many carbs and not enough protein, fruits and veggies. I'll need to change that.
I think my biggest issue is not having routines. I'm just having the darndest time getting into them. I don't have any kind of routine for morning, afternoon or evening. I have a very difficult time keeping on track on the weekends when my DH is home. It's not his fault, it's mine. I know what I would like to do but I just don't do it. A spend a lot of time sitting on my franny, in front of the laptop or watching organization shows on TV. As I told Marla and Leanne this week on the FlyShow - I'm great with preparation, but not so good with the follow through. I also try to do too much at one time. I need to follow the babysteps and just work on one step until it has become routine. I know so many things about the FlyLady lifestyle and I spend a lot of time hopping from one thing to another that I think SHOULD be done to 'comply' with the lifestyle. The pressure comes from me, not from anyone else.
Today my feelings were hurt though because DH said the house was filthy (he was having to deal with some dust on the entertainment system while switching out DVD players). I felt really bad because I've done so much around here and the thing that he comments on is negative. I had been hoping that he'd say something nice about what I had done, but instead he made a negative comment. It hurt. And I think it really bothered me because I feel like the house is a disaster (even though it's really not). The 'truth' hurts.
If I could just do a babystep, some zone work and decluttering each day I think I'd be feeling better about things. Doing 'all' that stuff would only take about 30 minutes a day. But I also don't want how I feel to be tied to what the house looks like or what I've done or not done. I need to stop letting my perfectionism get in the way! I want to do this system perfectly and I know that not only is that NOT possible, I don't need to do it perfectly. I need to stop putting so much on the plate each day. I need to concentrate on the basics. I can't do routines if I don't know the things that are needed to go into the routines. That's why I need to just take babysteps. I'm in some kind of competition and I need to stop doing that.
I feel like I need to start all over again (not that I ever really started in the first place ~lol~) and take it one babystep at a time. Anything else I get done will be gravy but not an obligation. I'm overwhelming myself. I'm trying to keep up with all the stuff I 'need' to do each day, plus update the forum, the colordosprings fly group and this blog now. When will I have time to develop any routines? My mental to-do list just has to be shortened down to just the basics.
'Do it now' really needs to become my mantra. Not that I have to do everything all day long, but that when I think of doing something I should just do it now and get it over with. I'm having trouble seeing what I do as having value or being a blessing (and it doesn't help when DH says he thinks the house is filthy). Does he really think the house is filthy? I hope not. I hope he was just frustrated by the dust on the entertainment center. I'm frustrated with it too. I don't do the weekly home blessing each week, so the dust accumulates.
Another thing I'm having issues with is what day of the week I can schedule things: weekly home blessing, errand day, free day, etc. I want to just do what Marla does but I don't think it works for me. I feel like I'm failing because I'm not doing things in the 'correct order'. Again, no one's fault but mine. My perfectionism is running rampant. I'm not dogging on myself, just dealing with reality. If I don't see things for what they truly are then I'll never have an opportunity to make any changes.
The FlyShow: I've been calling into the FlyShow every week (at Leanne's request) and updating her and Marla on how things are going with my body clutter. They have been extremely gracious and supportive. They've moved to BlogTalkRadio from World Talk Radio. I like BTR better. It's easier to navigate. I feel kind of funny calling in each week, but Leanne has asked me to, so I'm doing that. I know that I won't be calling in every week forever so I'm going to make the best of it while I do have a chance to call in. I love the look of Leanne's updated site. It also is easier to navigate. And her staff is so incredibly helpful. They get back to me quickly with answers to my questions or comments on my testimonials/thank you's. I'm grateful for the Body Clutter Menu Mailer and hope to start using it consistently. Like most things, I'm good with the prep and not so good with the follow through.
I talked to my sister this week and she has started the FlyLady lifestyle. She's using the Teacher Control Journal, the Student Control Journal, the timer, routines, and she's thinking of getting one of the menu mailers from Leanne. I told her that she needs to send an email to FlyLady and Leanne telling them what a huge impact all of this has had on her. She feels very hopeful and that's what FlyLady is all about: HOPE!
So, I'm not going to get on myself today and make myself get 'everything' done. If I get to things today, that's great if not, that's okay too. There's always tomorrow.
* I walked at least one morning this past week (I can't remember if I got out there other times)
* I got the blender out and made a protein smoothie for breakfast after my walk
* I finished that HUGE financial project
* I took care of myself when I wasn't feeling well
* I took time to visit with friends
* I started laundry
* I got a load of dishes done
As I look around, these are the things that need to be done:
* clean off the counters in the kitchen
* empty and reload the dishwasher
* plan meals, prepare grocery list (Body Clutter Menu Mailer)
* get new, clear plastic finance/mail bin organized
* vacuum
* install new DVD player that the boys sent David for his birthday (it was last month, but we just got the DVD player this week)
* dusting
* bathrooms
* declutter, prettyfythe office and guest room
* finish up the master bedroom (paint trim, hang stuff, make the bed, etc.)
* get the laundry done
* shine the sink
When I look at that list of things to be done, I don't feel overwhelmed because I know that I only need to spend 15 minutes or less on each task and the house will feel better, which means that I'll feel better.
Body Clutter: I haven't been using the BCMM because of finances (haven't been able to go grocery shopping). I need to figure out how I can get that into the plan this week. I also walked at least once this week and I did make a delicious smoothie for breakfast on the one day that I did walk. And I cleaned the blender right after I used it too! (thanks for getting me off my franny Marla and Leanne) I weighed myself a couple times this week. I've gone down a couple of pounds. Go Me! I downloaded the Body Clutter Investigator and put it in my control journal. I'm thinking of making one page for each week instead of a page a day and hanging it on the fridge. I'll have to see if either of those things will work for me. I realize that I'm eating way too many carbs and not enough protein, fruits and veggies. I'll need to change that.
I think my biggest issue is not having routines. I'm just having the darndest time getting into them. I don't have any kind of routine for morning, afternoon or evening. I have a very difficult time keeping on track on the weekends when my DH is home. It's not his fault, it's mine. I know what I would like to do but I just don't do it. A spend a lot of time sitting on my franny, in front of the laptop or watching organization shows on TV. As I told Marla and Leanne this week on the FlyShow - I'm great with preparation, but not so good with the follow through. I also try to do too much at one time. I need to follow the babysteps and just work on one step until it has become routine. I know so many things about the FlyLady lifestyle and I spend a lot of time hopping from one thing to another that I think SHOULD be done to 'comply' with the lifestyle. The pressure comes from me, not from anyone else.
Today my feelings were hurt though because DH said the house was filthy (he was having to deal with some dust on the entertainment system while switching out DVD players). I felt really bad because I've done so much around here and the thing that he comments on is negative. I had been hoping that he'd say something nice about what I had done, but instead he made a negative comment. It hurt. And I think it really bothered me because I feel like the house is a disaster (even though it's really not). The 'truth' hurts.
If I could just do a babystep, some zone work and decluttering each day I think I'd be feeling better about things. Doing 'all' that stuff would only take about 30 minutes a day. But I also don't want how I feel to be tied to what the house looks like or what I've done or not done. I need to stop letting my perfectionism get in the way! I want to do this system perfectly and I know that not only is that NOT possible, I don't need to do it perfectly. I need to stop putting so much on the plate each day. I need to concentrate on the basics. I can't do routines if I don't know the things that are needed to go into the routines. That's why I need to just take babysteps. I'm in some kind of competition and I need to stop doing that.
I feel like I need to start all over again (not that I ever really started in the first place ~lol~) and take it one babystep at a time. Anything else I get done will be gravy but not an obligation. I'm overwhelming myself. I'm trying to keep up with all the stuff I 'need' to do each day, plus update the forum, the colordosprings fly group and this blog now. When will I have time to develop any routines? My mental to-do list just has to be shortened down to just the basics.
'Do it now' really needs to become my mantra. Not that I have to do everything all day long, but that when I think of doing something I should just do it now and get it over with. I'm having trouble seeing what I do as having value or being a blessing (and it doesn't help when DH says he thinks the house is filthy). Does he really think the house is filthy? I hope not. I hope he was just frustrated by the dust on the entertainment center. I'm frustrated with it too. I don't do the weekly home blessing each week, so the dust accumulates.
Another thing I'm having issues with is what day of the week I can schedule things: weekly home blessing, errand day, free day, etc. I want to just do what Marla does but I don't think it works for me. I feel like I'm failing because I'm not doing things in the 'correct order'. Again, no one's fault but mine. My perfectionism is running rampant. I'm not dogging on myself, just dealing with reality. If I don't see things for what they truly are then I'll never have an opportunity to make any changes.
The FlyShow: I've been calling into the FlyShow every week (at Leanne's request) and updating her and Marla on how things are going with my body clutter. They have been extremely gracious and supportive. They've moved to BlogTalkRadio from World Talk Radio. I like BTR better. It's easier to navigate. I feel kind of funny calling in each week, but Leanne has asked me to, so I'm doing that. I know that I won't be calling in every week forever so I'm going to make the best of it while I do have a chance to call in. I love the look of Leanne's updated site. It also is easier to navigate. And her staff is so incredibly helpful. They get back to me quickly with answers to my questions or comments on my testimonials/thank you's. I'm grateful for the Body Clutter Menu Mailer and hope to start using it consistently. Like most things, I'm good with the prep and not so good with the follow through.
I talked to my sister this week and she has started the FlyLady lifestyle. She's using the Teacher Control Journal, the Student Control Journal, the timer, routines, and she's thinking of getting one of the menu mailers from Leanne. I told her that she needs to send an email to FlyLady and Leanne telling them what a huge impact all of this has had on her. She feels very hopeful and that's what FlyLady is all about: HOPE!
So, I'm not going to get on myself today and make myself get 'everything' done. If I get to things today, that's great if not, that's okay too. There's always tomorrow.
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